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A.K. Anderson

  • Porn Reviews: 557
  • Average Score: 71.81

Favorite Quote:

"Remember, if you smoke after sex you're doing it too fast." - Woody Allen

My Take: Porn means never having to say I'm sorry.

When's your birthday?
It is the day I was born.

What's your hometown?
The place where I grew up.

Favorite books?
The Great Gatsby, The Tipping Point, Animal Farm, the IKEA catalogue, instruction manuals

Favorite movies?
2001: A Space Odyssey, Fellini's 8 ½, Citizen Kane, Anchorman, Austin Powers I, II, III, Face/Off, and my homemade porn, of course

Fave TV Shows?
The Sopranos, The Shield, Survivor, The Office, The Daily Show, classic Saturday morning cartoons, Frontline, Nova, America's Best Dance Crew

Fave sexual positions?
Of course, they are all good. I mean, if you are having sex then that is the most important part. But if I had to go with one I gotta go with doggy style.

Fave porn niche?
Like with the "fave sexual positions" I like a variety of porn niches, but if I gotta pick one, I do like the amateurs. And I am an ass man as well (which plays back into doggy being my fave position).

Favorite music?
Bow chicka wow wow

Favorite drink?
A glass of water after sex, a glass of juice after sex, wine after sex, beer after sex, a mixed drink after sex...

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