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Cross Sales Warning

When signing up to an adult website in the past, you may have noticed some sites offering you special deals on one, two or more additional sites. These offers are called Cross Sales.

You'll usually find Cross Sales on the page where you fill in your credit card information. However, occasionally, they can be found on the join page or hidden in the terms and conditions page. You'll also notice that sometimes, such as in the screenshot we've taken, these cross sale offers are pre-checked to signal your agreement to purchasing the other sites before you even notice them.

cross sales example

Therefore, if you're in a rush to sign up and get your pants undone at the same time, you may not notice that you are agreeing to more than the porn site you were first interested in checking out. For some of you, this may seem like a bonus. However, some of you may not be so enthused. In fact, you could be in for spending a lot more than you bargained for in the end.

We at RabbitsReviews.com are ever vigilant on telling you when to go speeding ahead and when you'll have to take a careful look at the site to make sure you get what you want. This is why we're now offering you details about the number of cross sales that each site offers their surfers - just to give you a heads up before you sign up. Always read the fine print when spending your money!