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    New RR Scoring Criteria

    Image Quality (15 points)

    The image quality score looks at video resolution and photo clarity/sharpness. For sites that have both videos and pictures, we will use the video quality to determine the score, as we consider videos to have greater importance. However, for photo-centric sites, we will use the corresponding picture resolution scale as a guide.

    When scoring based on the video resolution, we look at the 50 latest videos (where applicable) and use the highest resolution among them. When scoring live cam sites, the reviewer will look at a minimum of 10 cams and base the score on the quality most often found. NOTE: We consider a site to have HD videos if they have a minimum resolution of 1280x720 and encoding of 2,000 kbps or higher.

    In instances where a site provides streaming-only videos, the reviewer will attempt to acquire the resolution from the stream. If they are unable to do so, they will base their scores on their own impressions of how they thought the stream looked, from low quality (3) to medium quality (8) to high quality (12) to very high quality (15).

    15 points: 8000+k video encoding/hi-res photos (3000x2000 or more)

    14 points: 6000-7999K video encoding/hi-res photos (2240x1680)

    13 points: 5000-5999k video encoding/hi-res photos (1600x1200)

    12 points: 4000-4999k video encoding/hi-res photos (1536x1180)

    11 points: 2500-3999k video encoding/hi-res photos (1280x960)

    10 points: 2000-2499k video encoding/hi-res photos (1024x768)

    9 points: 1400-1999k video encoding/medium-res photos (912x684)

    8 points: 1000-1399k video encoding/lo-res photos (800x600)

    7 points: 700-999k video encoding/lo-res photos (720x540)

    6 points: 500-699k video encoding/lo-res photos (640x480)

    5 points: 300-499k video encoding/lo-res photos (400x300)

    4 points: 100-299k video encoding/lo-res photos (320x240)

    3 points: 99k or less video encoding/lo-res photos (anything smaller)

    Usability Score (10 points)

    This score looks at the overall user experience, including interactivity, functionality and design (which encompasses both presentation and structure). We understand that each site has its own look and feel, so our score looks at the elements that make for an enjoyable and engaging experience.

    For standard sites, there are 10 criteria, each worth one point. For live cam sites, the score is determined on five criteria that are worth two points each.

    • Standard Sites
      • Good navigation: The ability to move around a site easily, without hassle or interruption.
      • Appealing design: The look of the site is aesthetically pleasing and consistent throughout.
      • Favorites: Being able to bookmark the content.
      • Advanced search/filters: Searching for content beyond simple keywords. This generally includes added functionality such as checkboxes and drop-down menus.
      • Dated content: Clearly marked dates in the video/photo/updates section.
      • Tags: Hyperlinks that organize similar content using keywords, such as blonde, blowjob, big boobs, etc.
      • Sorting: The option to organize the content (by most recent, top rated, etc.)
      • Ratings/Comments: The ability to rate the content, either with numbers, letters or stars, and/or the ability to post comments.
      • Stream-skipping: Being able to jump to different moments in a streaming video without the need for it to preload.
      • Mobile-friendly: When a site has a mobile-responsive design. Solely being able to access a site on a mobile device does not count.
    • Live Cam Sites
      • Notifications: A function allowing members to be notified, either by SMS or email, when certain performers appear online.
      • Favorites
      • Advanced search
      • Appealing design
      • Comments

    Updates (10 points)

    When a site is being reviewed for the first time, we will determine the score based on the chart below. For sites that include a combination of photo sets and videos, we will only be counting videos when determining the score. The only exception to this are sites that place their emphasis on pictures, in which we will only count photo set updates.

    If we can't determine when a new site updates their material, they will automatically receive a score of 5. When updating our review of one of these sites, we will determine the score by looking at the increase in content since our last review and dividing it by the number of months since that time. As noted in the Content Amount score, a scene or gallery that is released in parts is only counted as one update.

    10 points: Daily updates for 60 consecutive days

    9 points: 25+ updates in the last 30 days

    8 points: 20-24 updates in the last 30 days

    7 points: 10-19 updates in the last 30 days

    6 points: 6-9 updates in the last 30 days

    5 points: 2-5 updates in the last 30 days

    4 points: 1 update in the past 30 days

    3 points: Updated in the past 31 to 90 days

    2 points: Updated in the past 91 to 120 days

    1 point: Updated in the past 121 to 180 days

    0 points: 181 days or more since the last update

    Content Amount (15 points)

    This score looks at the total amount of videos and picture sets on a site. A scene or gallery that is broken up into smaller clips or segments is counted as one, not by the number of clips or segments it is broken up into. We may or may not look at defining characteristics such as script, wardrobe, location, etc., when determining if multiple clips or galleries are, in fact, part of the same scene. Video captures are not counted toward the total amount. Photo sets will only count for half marks, so, for example, 50 photo sets will only count for 25.

    15 points: 5,000+

    14 points: 2,000-4,999

    13 points: 1,000-1,999

    12 points: 500-999

    11 points: 250-499

    10 points: 200-249

    9 points: 150-199

    8 points: 100-149

    7 points: 51-99

    6 points: 26-50

    5 points: 21-25

    4 points: 16-20

    3 points: 10-15

    2 points: 9 or less

    When reviewing live cam sites, we will use the following chart. Reviewers base the score on an average of how many models are online after visiting the site multiples times throughout the day.

    15 points: 2,000+

    14 points: 1,800-1,999

    13 points: 1,600-1,799

    12 points: 1,400-1,599

    11 points: 1,001-1,399

    10 points: 401-1,000

    9 points: 201-400

    8 points: 101-200

    7 points: 81-100

    6 points: 51-80

    5 points: 31-50

    4 points: 21-30

    3 points: 11-20

    2 points: 5-10

    1 point: 1-4

    Value (10 points) = ((content quality + content amount)/3) + price score)/2

    This score looks at how much content, both quality and quantity, a site provides in relation to its monthly membership fee. The chart below shows our price score. It is based on an approximate daily cost determined by dividing the first full-month membership by 30 days. Trials, multi-month commitments, or discounted recurring charges aren't used since special pricing varies too greatly to facilitate a consistent and fair comparison between competitors.

    Price score

    10 points: $0.40 to $0.60

    9 points: $0.61 to $0.80

    8 points: $0.81 to $1.00

    7 points: $1.01 to $1.20

    6 points: $1.21 to $1.40

    5 points: $1.41 to $1.60

    4 points: $1.61 or more

    Price score for live cam sites (per minute)

    10 points: under $1

    9 points: $1-$1.99

    8 points: $2 - $3.99

    7 points: $4 - $5.99

    6 points: $6 - $6.99

    5 points: $7 - $7.99

    4 points: $8 or more

    Price score for VOD sites (per minute)

    10 points: $0.01 to $0.10

    9 points: $0.11 to $0.15

    8 points: $0.16 to $0.20

    7 points: $0.21 to $0.25

    6 points: $0.26 to $0.35

    5 points: $0.36 to $0.50

    4 points: $0.51 or more

    Exclusivity (20 points)

    Main content (not including extras) needs to be 100% exclusive for a site to earn full points. If a site contains a combination of exclusive and nonexclusive content, the percentage that is exclusive will be counted toward the score.

    Downloading/Streaming Videos (5 points)

    Sites will earn points based on the options they provide members. The breakdown is as follows:

    • 3 points: either downloading or streaming
    • 5 points: both downloading and streaming

    Features (5 points)

    These are elements that have been determined by our readers and reviewers as being standard on high-quality paysites. Although it makes up a small percentage of the overall score, these are the little things that separate good sites from great sites, and great sites from excellent sites. Because live cam sites have their own unique features, they will be scored on different criteria. Each is worth 1 point.

    • Standard Sites
      • Unlimited access: Sites that don't place a cap on how much content can be downloaded within a specific time frame.
      • Multiple video resolutions: This is awarded to sites that provide more than one resolution for downloading and/or streaming.
      • Online cancellation form: This is given to sites that provide access to an online form that allows members to cancel their membership. This can be done either through the site or through the biller.
      • Discount prices: Sites that provide discounted memberships to RabbitsReviews’ readers.
      • Money back guarantee: This is awarded to sites that take part in the RabbitsReviews’ Money Back Guarantee Program.
    • Live Cam Sites
      • Cam2cam: Sites that allow members to broadcast their cam at the same time as the performer.
      • Free chat: Offering free rooms that allow surfers to chat with the performers.
      • Session timer: This is awarded to sites that feature either a countdown timer or a visual display on the page that shows a running tally of time and/or money being spent.
      • Free photos/videos: Sites that provide free photo galleries and/or videos to users. This includes photos and videos on a performer’s profile.
      • Cam controls: This is awarded to sites that provide an interface that allows members to adjust the screen size, hue, brightness and/or the ability to zoom.

    Bonus Score (10 points)

    Awarding or deducting points is left to the reviewer's discretion and is based on any additional features a site provides its members as an incentive for them to remain or return. These include, but are not limited to, bonus sites/content, forums, blogs, social media feeds, community interaction, member profiles, free live cam shows, loyalty/rewards programs, member-exclusive promotions, emerging technologies such as VR content.

    *Sites that only provide photos will have the following points added to their Bonus score:

    • 3 points: either Zip files or slideshows
    • 5 points: both Zip files and slideshows

    Comments? Email me if you have a suggestion for a better rating scheme:


    ~The Rabbit~