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Rabbit's Money Back Guarantee

We've got your back!

About the Program

Webmasters have been telling us for years that RabbitsReviews’ readers are among the most devoted members they have. It’s from this feedback that the Money Back Guarantee program was born.

The program is a simple, no-fuss way that allows you to join and sample a site without being locked into a long-term membership or facing limitations that are part of many trial memberships. For those sites that have chosen to partner with us, you will have the opportunity to request a refund within three (3) days of registering. * See the fine print below

take advantage of this program, simply sign up for a free RabbitsReviews’ account and then search for the sites participating in the Money Back Guarantee program. If you have any questions about the program, or are looking for a specific type of site that is covered by the program, feel free to contact us and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

How it Works

  1. Become a Rabbit’s member: To be covered by our Money Back Guarantee, the only requirement is that you have a valid RabbitsReviews’ account. Sign up here for a FREE RabbitsReviews’ membership. (And when we say free, it’s really FREE! No questions asked, no credit card needed.)
  2. Identify a participating site: While browsing RabbitsReviews, look for this icon Rabbit's Money Back Guarantee Icon which signifies it is part of our Money Back Guarantee program.
  3. Request a refund: If you join a Money Back Guarantee site through RabbitsReviews and are unsatisfied for any reason, contact us within three (3) days of joining and we'll work with you to have your membership refunded. * See the fine print below

When contacting us for a refund, please be sure to include:

  • The site you joined.
  • The email you signed up with.
  • The date you joined.
  • Your member ID or confirmation ID.



The Fine Print

Requests for a refund under the Money Back Guarantee program must be made within three (3) days of purchasing a membership and you must be a registered member of RabbitsReviews.

Memberships must have been purchased through RabbitsReviews’ links. To ensure your membership has been purchased through RabbitsReviews, navigate to, search for the site you would like to purchase a membership from, and click the “Visit Site” or “View Deal” link, then proceed to purchase your membership. If you have not purchased your membership through us (e.g.: if you went directly to the site, or were directed to purchase from another site), we will be unable to process your refund.

The Money Back Guarantee applies only to the primary membership and does not include any memberships that are purchased through cross sales or additional memberships that are purchased through that site.

In rare cases, RabbitsReviews reserves the right to deem your request for a Money Back Guarantee as abusive or excessive and therefore not honor your refund (e.g.: should we determine that a single user is abusing the program).

Participating sites maintain the right to not honor the refund under two circumstances:

  • Abuse of the membership: This includes, but is not limited to, excessive downloading, site ripping, password sharing or other fraudulent behavior.
  • Previous membership: You have previously been a member of the same site.