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Cumshot Surprise Review

Cumshot Surprise Porn Review




  • excellent-quality videos
  • regular updating
  • bonus sites

Don't Like:

  • few episodes
  • no high-res pics

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You know those porn sites out there that have dudes with ridiculously huge dicks and humongous loads of cum, both of which are pretty obviously, shall we say, less than real? Well, if you combine those sites with sites featuring gorgeous chicks and good (and real) hardcore sex, you got Cumshot Surprise.

The first part of the CumshotSurprise scenes is the surprise part as dudes sneak up on "unsuspecting" chicks and explode a load of cum all over them. The chicks are usually quite pissed off by this, but they, of course, agree to head back to the house to "clean off." And by "clean off," I mean get naked and suck and fuck a few more dicks and take a few more loads of cum on their pretty faces.

So, how do the ridiculously huge cocks and loads come into play here you ask? The answer is, at different times throughout the scenes. Sometimes the "surprise shot" is done from one of those cocks and other times it makes an appearance during the fuck session, dropping a heaping load all over the babes like a pie in the face. These scenes will satisfy both the straight hardcore scene lover and those who like some fun in their setups as well.

Really, the only big negative I can point to is the minimal amount of content currently available. At this point there are 18 episodes on the site, but they are updating weekly, so it is growing.

Each episode comes with a set of vid caps, a set of pictures and a video. The pics are average size, crisp photos. The videos come in an embedded streaming format, or you can download them in short clips, longer clips or in a full-length file in Windows Media and MPEG formats. Both formats look excellent.

As solid as the main content is, there isn’t enough of it to make a membership worthwhile on its own. Well, the good news is that it doesn't come on its own. In fact, your membership gets you access to about 19 network bonus sites, including 40 Oz Bounce, Flexible Positions, Big Handfuls and Cum Martinis.

As the site grows it will become more worthwhile, but at this point all the bonus sites make Cumshot Surprise worth your time and money.

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Cumshot Surprise Score & Stats

Cumshot Surprise Stats Scores
  • 18+ Movies (avg: 30 mins)
  • 18+ Pic Sets (300 pics-per-set)
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Cumshot Surprise Video Quality


720x4042000K; Streaming


512x2882000K; Streaming

Published: May 3, 2009