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Wank My Wood

Wank My Wood Porn Review




  • Full HD videos
  • bonus sites
  • good user interface

Don't Like:

  • no longer updating
  • pre-checked cross sale
  • limited trial

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Wank My Wood Porn

On Wank My Wood I definitely appreciate the hands-on approach used by these ambidextrous babes who grabs those rods with both palms and starts pulling. Nothing is better than having your manhood manhandled by a talented chick who knows the trick to yanking off dick so quick!

Exclusive masturbatory satisfaction is what you'll see in every scene here. When you sign in, all the content is right there in front of you. The site looks good, the navigation is easy and you get a lot of useful features when it comes to finding exactly what you're looking for. The thumbnails even have that cool slideshow feature that takes you through the scene when you hover over them.

Members Area Preview

Wank My Wood Porn Members Area

Currently there are 51 videos and photo sets on WankMyWood. At this point, it seems they've down away with any Windows Media files. If you go with the best of the multiple MP4s you can expect Full HD playback across the board. When it comes to the high-res pics in each gallery, you can save them in Zip files.

The scenes aren't that long since it's just a handjob, but they do last a good 10-15 minutes, so you won't feel ripped off. They begin with some kind of intro/setup that leads to some dude getting his dick stroked by some naked babe until he finally gets his load jerked onto her pretty face.

There hasn't been an update since way back in August 2015, so the good news is that you'll find a long list of Wankz "channels" that are free with your membership, including the likes of Tight Holes Big Poles, 360 Solos, Camel Toe Hos and Cum Covered Glasses. There's also a huge section with DVDs in a variety of niches.

For a large, high-quality network, a membership to Wank My Wood is worthwhile, but if all you care about are the handjobs , then the lack of growth will be a downer once you get through the initial collection. At least what's offered is high in quality and there's bound to be quite more handjob action among all the bonuses.

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Stats & Score

Wank My Wood Stats Scores
  • 51+ Movies (avg: 12 mins)
  • 51+ Pic Sets (100 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality12/15
Content Amount8/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material6/10
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Video Format




1920x10804000K; Streaming

Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Apr 20, 2017

Since our last review of the site:

  • The last video they added was back in August 2015 and there hasn't been a single update since.
  • They've simplified things as far as video formats are concerned, so all the footage comes in MP4s with various resolutions, the highest being 1080p.