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    Argentina Me Gusta Review

    Argentina Me Gusta Porn Review




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    • no full-length videos
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    Argentina Me Gusta Porn

    I remember enough from my high school Spanish classes that Argentina Me Gusta translates to "Argentina I Like." I've never been there before, but if the country is indeed filled with Latin women who are even half as hot as the ones shown here, then it's an Argentina that I like, too!

    You don’t see their faces all that much, but I doubt your eyes would have been gravitating to that part of their bodies anyway. That's because the focus on ArgentinaMeGusta is on how these babes wear crazy-tight clothing. I wouldn't say it's tight enough to cut off their circulation, but it's certainly enough to give us an incredible look at their big, round asses and sweet pussies right through the fabric. 

    More accurately, you get a good look at the shape of everything. To say there are camel toes and wedgies here is really an understatement. Even when the sexy Latinas peel themselves out of their super-tight sweat pants, you get the same treatment from the panties and thongs (assuming the underwear hasn't become completely lost inside the model's muff and/or butt, that is).

    You'll see your fair share of nudity and even some light lesbian action, but the main attraction is always the great booties being shown off in the tight clothing. A decent number of the 227 movies follow the babe outside, while the rest are set indoors. Not all of the content is exclusive.

    Each movie is available in a series of three to four clips. Beneath that list is a handful of screenshots to give you an idea as to what goes on in the scene. You can download sets of vid caps, but there aren't any photo sets to look through. The clips come in a good-quality MP4 format as well as high-def AVI files that tend to get better in quality depending on how new a movie is.

    The entire members' area consists of nothing but the movie section. Thanks to the pagination, browsing the content is easy, but the site is nothing to write home about in terms of design. Also, there is no search engine or a way to save your favorites. You also don't get any extras.

    While the content isn't dated in the members' area, the tour does tell you when the newest movie was posted. It also tells you that you can expect to get something new twice a week. Given the growth of the site since we last gave it a look, it seems as though the website is telling the truth about how often it adds new scenes.

    Argentina Me Gusta has a unique take on Latina porn that you will likely enjoy, but it does have a few issues that cost it some points. Given the very high quality and unique theme, it's worth overlooking the site's problems. And for more Latin porn, check out Oye Loca and Sex Mex. 

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    Argentina Me Gusta Score & Stats

    Argentina Me Gusta Stats Scores
    • 227+ Movies (avg: 16 mins)
    • HD Porn
    • No Download Limits
    • No 4K Videos
    • No Streaming
    • No Photo Zip Sets
    • No High Res Photos

    Score Breakdown

    Image Quality15/15
    Content Amount10/15
    Download / Streaming3/5
    Bonus Material6/10
    Rabbit Score66%

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    Published: Jul 17, 2013