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Art Nude Tattoos Review

Art Nude Tattoos Porn Review




  • HD videos
  • exclusive content
  • reasonably priced

Don't Like:

  • infrequent updates
  • few usability features
  • little info on the models

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Art Nude Tattoos Porn

Art Nude Tattoos is a well-named site, as all three words are important in describing what it is you're getting in this collection. The babes are nude, they all have tattoos and the photos and videos are filmed with an artistic sensibility.

A membership to ArtNudeTattoos gives you 41 photo sets and {{numberOfMovies}} videos. The videos range from 10 to 30 minutes each and the photo sets have hundreds of high-res pics. The movies are in Full HD MP4 files. You can also download 3GP files and stream an MP4 file in a JWPlayer.

The scenes generally have music playing over them as the camera looks to caress every inch of the girl's body, from her head to her toes (and all the good stuff in between). The lighting is good and they often like to use shadows and different camera angles to create an erotic and artistic atmosphere.

One scene I watched had two beauties playing pool wearing nothing but high heels, while another had the gorgeous Brianna all oiled up and playing with flour, causing it to stick to her body and create a living art piece. And don't forget that every babe on the site is sporting tattoos. Some have little tattoos in a few different spots, while others are rocking huge tattoos that cover a large portion of their back or side or arm or leg or... You get the idea.

Given that the focus is on babes with ink I was hoping for a more in-depth look at the girl's tattoos besides just the video and photographic evidence. Maybe an interview with each girl about her tats or at least some kind of write-up about their meaning and history, etc. But alas no.

There's a model index, but besides a quote from the girl and one from the site, there's no further information about her. You can easily jump to all her videos and photo sets as well as leave a comment and Tweet her from her model page, though, which is nice. There aren't any bonus sites.

The collection isn't dated, but judging by how much the site has grown since our last visit, it seems like they add a video every couples of months and maybe one or two photo sets a month. The site is a little on the small side video-wise, but it's got a good number of photo sets and the price is pretty low. Those looking for softcore , erotic tattooed-babe content should keep Art Nude Tattoos in mind.

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Art Nude Tattoos Score & Stats

Art Nude Tattoos Stats Scores
  • 41+ Movies (avg: 15 mins)
  • 98+ Pic Sets (200 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Art Nude Tattoos Video Quality




1280x7201983K; Streaming



Art Nude Tattoos Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Jul 4, 2016

Since our last review of the site:

  • They've added just under a dozen videos along with 14 photo sets. Nothing is dated, but they're probably adding one or two photo sets a month, while two months or so can pass between video updates.