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    Ass Smoothie Review

    Ass Smoothie Porn Review




    • high-def videos
    • bonus content
    • mostly exclusive content

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    • no zipped pic sets
    • no streaming option

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    There is this really nice smoothie bar across from my gym and after a good workout, I sometimes head on over there to hook myself up with a nutritious and delicious smoothie. This place is, however, a regular smoothie joint and not an Ass Smoothie establishment. Although, even if it was, I wouldn't drink the product, but I would love to go watch them make it.

    AssSmoothie is an original concept, which is pretty rare for porn these days. These chicks mix up a smoothie in a blender, pour it in their asses, jump around to shake it up, push it out of their asses into a glass and then drink it.

    So far, there are 169 episodes available, although not all of them feature the making and drinking of a smoothie. That is because not all the chicks agree to do it. Many scenes begin with our cameraman coming upon some hot babe who happens to be in the house to film a different porn scene. He says hello and then they get to talking. It doesn't take long for him to bring up the subject of smoothies and then ask them if they would be willing to do one of the ass variety.

    Most of them agree to do it, but I did come across three chicks who just said no. I can't be sure that it is all as on-the-spot as the scenes play it, but it's kind of fun to see some chicks say no, because it give the site a higher air of realism when the others say yes.

    The videos look great and are all downloadable in HD Windows Media format. There are also 58 photo sets and the pictures are clear and almost high-res size.

    They were updating about once a month when we first checked out the site, but it looks like they're updating twice a week now, so things have gotten better. Your membership still gets you access to 19 other sites.

    The bonus sites, which include the likes of Fuck My Flab, Her Last Fuck and I Love You Mya, offer terrific quality too and cover a whole variety of niches. With its frequent updating and the large, high-quality network, I can see Ass Smoothie being worth your while.

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    Ass Smoothie Score & Stats

    Ass Smoothie Stats Scores
    • 169+ Movies (avg: 12 mins)
    • 58+ Pic Sets (90 pics-per-set)
    • HD Porn
    • No Download Limits
    • No 4K Videos
    • No Streaming
    • No Photo Zip Sets
    • No High Res Photos

    Score Breakdown

    Image QualityN/A
    Content AmountN/A
    Download / StreamingN/A
    Bonus MaterialN/A
    Rabbit ScoreN/A

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    Ass Smoothie Video Quality



    Published: Oct 9, 2010