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Battle Bang Review

Battle Bang Porn Review




30 Days

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Battle Bang Porn

Modern man may think of himself as civilized, but everyone knows that most guys won't hesitate to fight a rival over a female, just like animals do. That's pretty much what happens on Battle Bang, or at least it was before it became a clone of Barely Legal.

BattleBang was a pretty interesting site at one point. It brought you scenes in which MMA fighters would duke it out for the right to fuck a pornstar. The winner would get to pound the babe's pussy while the loser would get punished by being forced to deep-dick some other gorgeous chick. So, yeah, there really weren't any losers.

Battle Bang Members Area Preview

Battle Bang Porn Members Area

While the website still offers some of its old scenes, it now provides you with a whole lot of flicks and most of them have nothing to do with the site's original premise. It's a real shame because it actually had something unique about it that's now been lost. In its current state, it's just another place to get porn movies .

There are 162 videos with masturbation , girl-on-girl action, oral sex, hardcore fucking, gangbangs and other good stuff. You can download and stream them, but you won't find video quality higher than 480p. You can sort them in a few ways and save the ones you really like to a favorites section. You'll also find 14  galleries full of high-res images that you can save in Zip files. Updates seem to have ended, though, and the site actually shrunk.


Battle Bang is a lot less interesting than it once was and there are better hardcore sites out there. Granted, if you consider that you're really joining an entire network then you might feel a bit more like you're getting your money's worth. After all, you will have access to a good amount of exclusive content and some of it is high in quality - even Full HD in some cases. But definitely don't join if you're already a member of Barely Legal or are familiar with their content.

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Independent Billers:CCBill,Epoch

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Battle Bang Membership Options

Cross Sales

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$1.99  2 Days

*Rebills at 29.95

$29.95  30 Days
$59.95  90 Days
$119.40  365 Days

Are downloads included?

No. Downloads are not available at this time.

Payment Methods

  • Credit Card
  • Paypal

Battle Bang Score & Stats

Battle Bang Stats Scores
  • 162+ Movies (avg: 20 mins)
  • 14+ Pic Sets (30 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Streaming

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Battle Bang Video Quality




854x4803000K; Streaming

Battle Bang Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Mar 8, 2018

Since our last review of the site:

  • Battle Bang no longer has any content that really fits its theme and it's no longer updating. When you join, you're really just signing up to the Barely Legal network.