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Beautiful Agony Review

Beautiful Agony Porn Review




  • 2,000+ 1080p downloads
  • Multiple weekly updates
  • Reasonably priced

Don't Like:

  • Only SD streams
  • Not optimized for mobile
  • No bonus sites


30 Days

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Beautiful Agony Porn

Beautiful Agony: Look of Ecstasy

Every once in a while, a site like Beautiful Agony comes along and surprises us with its unique take on a tried and true niche. While most masturbation porn sites focus on what's going on below the belt and the eventual squirting or orgasm, this one captures the sounds and faces people make while masturbating and climaxing. It's the kind of outside-the-box porn that you'll either love or hate.

What Do You Get With Beautiful Agony?

You can stream and download 13558 movies , and over 2,000 download in 1080p with 100s more in 720p. They usually last 5-10 minutes, and those that are dedicated to the orgasmic faces tend to include the warm-up, the cool-down, and everything in between.

Beautiful Agony lives up to its name in that it features the beautiful facial expressions of real people having real orgasms. These aren't pornstars but genuine and unscripted cis and trans men and women, and nonbinary individuals. Every video is shot from the neck up and they're all user-submitted. They refer to the submitters as "artists" and assign them a number so that they can remain anonymous if they want. I can guarantee some pretty sweet moaning and facial expressions.

You won't be seeing any genitalia or cumshots and you can't always tell how they're getting themselves off unless you hear the telltale buzz of a vibrator. It's also worth mentioning that sometimes, instead of masturbating alone, someone is helping the person cum. They might use their fingers, mouth, or toys, or provide visual stimulation. For example, in one guy's video, a woman is standing over him (you can see her legs straddling his waist) and he stares up at her while he jerks off.

I saw mutual masturbation scenes with two friends getting off side by side. You'll also come across couples having sex and while sometimes both cum facing the camera, other times only one's expression of ecstasy is captured by the lens.

In addition to masturbation videos, you also have the Confessions. These involve some of the artists discussing aspects of their sex lives, like their first-time experiences or their feelings about sexuality. It is a chance to see more than just people's faces and while they're always clothed, some wear revealing outfits and a few guys go shirtless.

They've recently added a Fantasy section where artists can share their hottest desires. You can also find remastered versions of the older updates under Restoration. It's nice to see that the team is always striving to make improvements. They're also letting the content evolve and lately, they've stopped censoring the artists' nipples when they pop up in some of the neck-up videos.

What Works About Beautiful Agony?

Updates are almost daily, so while they may skip a day here or there, they usually add a couple of scenes at a time. All user submissions must be in 1080p, so the quality is always consistent. They also show you a few of the upcoming scenes. You can browse the latest additions or explore various categories. They let you mark the videos as "seen" and you can also add them to your favorites.

There's a genuine sense of community among members. They spend time discussing all sorts of things in the forum and there's also a blog. The message board seems to be pretty active and people who have submitted videos are among those who post. It's interesting to see what they have to say about their own videos and those of others.

They provide lengthy instructions on how to submit your own video, including what equipment to use, how long the video should be, and even suggestions for what questions to address in the talk-based submissions. You can earn anywhere from $75 to $300 (keep in mind payments are in Australian dollars). You can also promote the site on your blog or website, and receive a full month's free subscription if you refer two friends. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me.

Of course, some people submit their videos simply because they believe in what Beautiful Agony is trying to do and want to contribute. The About section outlines what they call the Agony Principal, which reads like a sex- and body-positive manifesto. It's inspiring stuff and the inclusive nature of the content makes everyone feel welcome.

While some user-submitted sites (i.e., tubes) can be sketchy, you can rest assured that you're signing up to a safe porn site. They let you choose whether to sign up with their primary or secondary biller. And they guarantee easy cancelations by promising to refund any unwanted rebills if you let them know about it within 7 days. You can also pay them cash, including Euros, U.S., or Australian dollars, via snail mail. Do not send them checks or money orders, though.

They have a support FAQ and you can submit a ticket for any technical issues. There's also a form to submit complaints or ask for content to be removed. When it comes to billing issues, they have links you can use. We can also help with any customer support issues.

What Doesn't Work

The biggest issue is that they've never optimized the site for mobile users. The usability is limited in other ways, too. The basic search only lets you look up an artist by number. The Revival section, which seems to house the second and third videos of people who've posted more than once, is the only place where you can sort the scenes (by artist number or date). And there are no comments or ratings, tags, or an advanced search engine.

While it's been a long time since I faulted a site on pagination, the setup here is noticeably clunky. There are well over 800 pages of updates to browse and even if you can jump ahead by 10 pages at a time, it's a bit slow-going. You can skip straight to the first or last page, but it would be much easier if you could select whatever page you wanted from a dropdown menu or even an input field.

They've got 5,000+ Flash-based streams that don't work given that support for that format ended in December 2020. You'll have to download the videos in those cases. You've also got several thousand SD videos, which begin to crop up the further you dig into the updates. You won't find any photos, but that's pretty standard for a user-submitted video site.

Do I Recommend Beautiful Agony?

I really need to stress that Beautiful Agony is more of an art project than a porn site (and the design reflects that). If you're all right with that, then you'll find the content interesting and illuminating. I know I did. Personally, given the low price tag and the original content, this unique masturbation site is worth experiencing.

Beautiful Agony Alternatives

Beautiful Agony Features

User Comments

By rrstar on Apr 17, 2016

Beautiful Agony demonstrates that truly hot videos don't always have to include nudity. They are all user submitted videos, which makes for great variety and the sense I get is that the vast majority are not doing any acting. Some of the hottest solo scenes I have ever seen are in this site. The only "con" for me is that I believe they should relax the rules a touch, because for me many of the really hot scenes include someone being very creative about the angle or position or view, and they stretch the rules somewhat. BA has tended to allow this but if the rules were relaxed, such as allowing full body shots under blankets, etc., I think there would be more creativity and less repetitiveness. All in all, it's a great site and also inexpensive.


By Sandra on Mar 7, 2011

When I first found beautiful agony a few years ago, it was a revelation to see so many other women enjoying masturbation just like myself. It gives me the feeling of belonging to a special female community. This is quite liberating. I have masturbated all my life and never needed a reason to do it. It just felt good. Now I masturbate with my circle of friends and we all enjoy our "Beautiful Agony" together. This is the best website ever. How about adding another section that shows no faces, but only what the ladies are doing to achieve orgasms. There's nothing as beautiful as watching us women getting ourselves off...and yes, many of us are awesome squirters.


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Beautiful Agony Score & Stats

Beautiful Agony Stats Scores
  • 13558+ Movies (avg: 5 mins)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality11/15
Content Amount15/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material6/10
Rabbit Score84%

Understand the criteria

Beautiful Agony Video Quality




640x3601975K; Streaming







Beautiful Agony Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Mar 21, 2022

Since our last review of the site:

  • They added 2,411 videos.
  • Updates are close to daily and often include a couple of videos.