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BF Uploads Review

BF Uploads Porn Review




  • many Full HD videos
  • gay bonus network
  • favorites tracking

Don't Like:

  • nonexclusive content
  • no advanced search
  • pre-checked cross sale


30 Days

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Everyone wants to be a star these days and a lot of people will do whatever it takes to make a name for themselves, even going so far as to post dirty pictures or sex tapes online. That's the basic premise behind BF Uploads and like many amateur sites along the same vein, only some of the content has plausible user-submitted appeal. Granted, it's a high proportion.

Basically, you've got at least some seemingly self-shot content on BFUploads, like selfie videos, or "velfies" as some call them. A guy stands in front of a mirror with a camera in hand, shooting the footage with the only possible change in angle being a POV dick shot. You also have couples hooking up with the camera sitting on a tripod and again the only change in angle is POV camerawork by one of the guys.

BF Uploads Members Area Preview

BF Uploads Porn Members Area

Then you have scenes that at times almost look as though they were shot without a cameraman. But at some point the camera zooms in or changes angle and the illusion is broken, because clearly a third-party is involved. These still involve amateur gays , but often they're shot in hotel rooms or in the same bedroom, so you know some prolific cameraman is shooting as many horny boys as he can.

I think what generally tends to tip you off is that some of the 163 videos come with pics, which would require both a cameraman and photographer, or at least a camera on a tripod and someone taking photos. There are in fact 91 galleries downloadable in Zip files. Updates are weekly.

Another thing that indicates the content isn't exactly homemade is the fact that many videos offer Full HD playback. Nowadays that's hardly a deciding factor, though, because even lower-end cameras can shoot 1080p footage. Still, you can tell that in some cases the lighting looks a bit more professional than an amateur might manage.

A membership includes access to the Massive Gay Pass network, which brings you a ton of other gay sites, including EU Twinks, Lollipop Twinks and Emo Twinks. Not every site features twinks as their main claim to fame, though, instead focusing on jocks, Latinos, Asians or Brazilians . There's also daddy-on-twink action.

One final thing I should mention about this collection is that it doesn't appear to be exclusive. In the end, BF Uploads is one of those sites that's a solid C. The fact that a membership brings you access to a massive amount of gay porn does make things somewhat more tempting, though.

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BF Uploads Membership Options

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No. Downloads are not available at this time.

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BF Uploads Score & Stats

BF Uploads Stats Scores
  • 163+ Movies (avg: 16 mins)
  • 91+ Pic Sets (140 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality12/15
Content Amount11/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material6/10
Rabbit Score58%

Understand the criteria

BF Uploads Video Quality


1920x10804576K; Streaming



BF Uploads Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Oct 7, 2016

Since our last review of the site:

  • Forty-two videos and around 45 photo sets have been posted. Updates continue to be weekly, which makes for a nice change after checking out the other sites on the network that often update inconsistently.