Big Tits In Uniform Review

    Big Tits In Uniform Porn Review




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    Big Tits In Uniform Porn

    Standup comics around the world have made the joke that it's not the uniform that makes a person hot, so much as how it signifies that they can maintain a steady job. I don't know about you, but if you put one on a chick with huge juggs, it's the look that really does it for me. Do me a favor, will you? Take a look at Big Tits In Uniform and let me know what your opinion on the matter is.

    But I'm already pretty sure you'll side with me, because all the babes on BigTitsInUniform are seriously stacked pornstars who do more than just pose in uniform. Sure, they might start off in a flight attendant's attire or sporting a chef's hat or in the overalls most cable repairmen are known for, but after a bit of dialogue, they always seem to get distracted from their job and start doing something else.

    Big Tits In Uniform Members Area Preview

    Big Tits In Uniform Porn Members Area

    Just in case you couldn't figure out what that "something else" is, I'm talking about sex. They get naked (or sometimes just half-naked), give blowjobs and fuck like bunnies. Sometimes those bunnies with mega-melons take it in the ass and/or fuck other uniformed hotties.

    The 177 videos bring you at least one pair of tits that can barely be contained by a sexy uniform and the quality varies very little, so all but the oldest movies come in Full HD. You're free to experience the videos online or download them in one or five-minute clips, although the full-length versions offer the most options. It's too bad that updates have been nonexistent for about 10 months, with the last one in December 2014.

    Each movie comes with a set of vid caps pictures, but you'll really want to stick with the photos. The 177 photo sets have great high-res shots of the girls sucking and fucking. On top of that, they also show the models posing and stripping. You can view them online and download them in Zip files, but only the latter gets you the high-res versions.

    For those who aren't satisfied with the current amount of content, you'll be pleased to know that your membership gives you access to the entire Brazzers Network. You actually start on the network when you first sign in, but it's easy to get to the material you came for and there are plenty of other sites to explore, like Big Tits At Work, Busty And Real, Jizz On My Juggs and Big Tits At School. Also, there is currently a special page dedicated to celebrating the 10 years that this network has been in business with fun facts and special content to enjoy.

    Needless to say, you'll love checking out Big Tits In Uniform. The babes are hot, the boobs are huge, the boning is awesome and the quality of the content is high. The site's one major flaw is its update schedule, but you should be able to overlook it. At least for now.

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    Big Tits In Uniform Score & Stats

    Big Tits In Uniform Stats Scores
    • 177+ Movies (avg: 27 mins)
    • 177+ Pic Sets (400 pics-per-set)
    • HD Porn
    • Streaming
    • No Download Limits
    • Photo Zip Sets
    • High Res Photos
    • No 4K Videos

    Score Breakdown

    Image Quality15/15
    Content Amount11/15
    Download / Streaming5/5
    Bonus Material6/10
    Rabbit Score79%

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    Big Tits In Uniform Video Quality






    1280x7203800K; Streaming

    Big Tits In Uniform Reviewed by: Will Peters

    Latest Review Update: Oct 19, 2015

    Since our last review of the site:

    • There haven't been any updates since December 2014, but they've added a few links to their top menu bar. One of these brings you to a page marking the 10-year anniverary of this network with some fun extra content to enjoy.