Bikini Hookups Review

Bikini Hookups Porn Review




  • downloadable videos
  • bonus sites
  • extra photo galleries and feeds

Don't Like:

  • discontinued updates
  • only vid caps
  • average-quality videos

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Walking along the beach and picking up some hot bikini-clad babe who will fuck you isn't always the easiest thing to do, even for a stud like me. However, that's where the people on Bikini Hookups come in. They take average guys who write to them, bring them to the hot Florida beaches and get them laid.

Actually that is what BikiniHookups used to be about. The site started out as an exclusive reality site, but at some point they became a general nonexclusive porn site featuring sucking, fucking, anal , foot fetish and other stuff. The video updates may look recent because of the date stamps, but nothing has been added since 2005.

There are 56 movies downloadable in Windows Media format and give average-quality playback. There is no full-length download option, though there is an option that starts your Windows Media player from the site. That said, I did see some clips that were a good 30 minutes long, but it's not the entire movie you're downloading.

Each scene also has a set of vid caps, but there are no pictures. Don't be confused by the "picture" button on the top nav bar, because as mentioned above it leads to nonexclusive bonus pictures only. There aren't any beach pictures, but there are naked chicks, so that's good. You'll find the exact same pictures on all the bonus sites.

Speaking of bonus sites, a membership includes access to six of them, including Licka Licka, Our Fuck Friends and Jerk Him Off. There is also a large section filled with links to sites with streaming videos. As is the case with most streaming videos, the quality is hit and miss. However, of the stuff I checked out, there was a fair amount of hitting.

The general format of Bikini Hookups, the lack of updates and the average-quality vids doesn't do much for the site. In the end, despite the decent amount of movies available, there are just too many drawbacks to warrant a membership.

Bikini Hookups Alternatives

Bikini Hookups Score & Stats

Bikini Hookups Stats Scores
  • 56+ Movies (avg: 10 mins)
  • No Download Limits
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Streaming
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Bikini Hookups Video Quality



Published: Sep 7, 2011