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Booty Clap XXX Review

Booty Clap XXX Porn Review




30 Days

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Booty Clap XXX Porn

I love ass and the more Xs, the better, so I was prepared to give Booty Clap XXX a round of applause. However, that was before I checked it out and realized that you're actually just signing up for the Barely Legal network. After having spent some time there, I'm going to have to hold my applause for now.

I'm also going to be holding something else a little later on when I get home from work, thinking about the sexy booties I witnessed on BootyClapXXX. Although, given that it's not exclusive, there isn't really a theme here. Sure, there's some ass -centric action, but I didn't see any booty-clapping. As far as the other content on BarelyLegal, though it does offer some exclusive scenes, they're not focused on butts.

This isn't an anal -only site or network, but you will see some butt sex going down and you'll probably find yourself clapping with glee when you watch those encounters. You'll also get lesbian action as well as diverse hardcore scenes, with Asians , Latinas , pornstars and teens . You'll also find an archive of digital magazines from the Hustler family of print publications.

The quality is high, if not as impressive as it once was. There are 324 videos and although the higher-quality footage used to be more prevalent, most vids are in SD with a rare Full HD exception. You'll also find 9 sets of high-res photos that you can download in Zip files. When it comes to updates, it looks like they're just rotating the content at this point.

The pagination is a bit limited, but you can track your favorites and you've got a basic search and tags to help you find related content. You've also got model tags, but the index they link to is for all of the network's sites. You can also rate and sort the content.

While the access to additional porn via the network adds some much-needed value to a membership, they aren't enough to make Booty Clap XXX worth joining. The site isn't anything special, but at least the downloadable videos look decent. Of course, that doesn't change the fact that it only provides you with nonexclusive videos that seem to be rotating.

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Booty Clap XXX Membership Options

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$1.99  2 Days

*Rebills at 29.95

$29.95  30 Days
$59.85  90 Days
$119.40  365 Days

Are downloads included?

No. Downloads are not available at this time.

Payment Methods

  • Credit Card

Booty Clap XXX Score & Stats

Booty Clap XXX Stats Scores
  • 324+ Movies (avg: 20 mins)
  • HD Porn
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • 9+ Pic Sets (18 pics-per-set)
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Streaming

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Booty Clap XXX Video Quality




1920x10808000K; Streaming



Booty Clap XXX Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: May 2, 2018

Since our last review of the site:

  • You're getting the same content that you'd get by joining Barely Legal, so it no longer merits a full review.