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Boss Lesson Review

Boss Lesson Porn Review




  • exclusive content
  • large bonus network
  • lots of browsing tools

Don't Like:

  • rotating content
  • no HD quality videos
  • pre-checked cross sale

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Boss Lesson Porn

There are three things I've learned from watching gangster movies and documentaries: Valentine's Day isn't just bad for guys who forget to buy gifts for their girlfriends, never be a squealer, and a gentleman takes a guy's thumbs before breaking his kneecaps instead of the other way around. Checking out Boss Lesson taught me that there are alternatives to violence, though.

BossLesson is a scripted porn site with the motif being that the guys are all either Mafia goons who work for a big-time boss or flat-out are the boss. The most frequent setup for a scene involves a chick going to pay off a loan with ass in lieu of cash. Sometimes she makes this proposition and the boss accepts, while other scenes have his thugs going after her to collect the money and convince her to have sex when it turns out she's defaulting on the loan.

Boss Lesson Members Area Preview

Boss Lesson Porn Members Area

Some movies show Mafia floosies hanging out with the boss before he takes a break from his hard-knock life to show them his shooter (and I'm not talking about his gun, though he does show that off at times as well). An odd recurring theme involves the gangster sticking a cigar in one of the babe's holes. I've never seen a butt go in a butt before, though it looks like it's perfect for DP'ing a chick when there's only one cock to fuck her with.

You'll find 28 movies (with vid caps). They're available in an MP4 file that can be downloaded or streamed. You only have one download option and it's a 480p file that doesn't look great. Obviously HD would be better. The streams give you a couple options, but again not HD. Since our last review the counts have remained the same despite the dates being recent. Like many of the other sites in this network, they appear to be rotating it.

The design and navigation are a breeze. The thumbnails are clear (they actually look better than the scenes themselves) and the content is easy to find and well organized. You can rate the videos, leave comments and save your favorites. You can also sort the videos by newest, most viewed and title, or use content tags or the advanced search.

There is a bonus galleries section, but unless you're into fetish content you won't get much enjoyment out of it, though you'll also find softcore spreads. What you will get enjoyment out of is the rest of the Extreme Movie Pass network, which includes a large variety of sites like Sex Flex Video and Only Breast.

If you like the sound of the unique story setup on Boss Lesson, then you might want to check it out. If, however, you're going in based solely on the amount of content, then be advised that the videos are being rotated, there aren't that many of them and the quality isn't very high.

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Boss Lesson Membership Options

Cross Sales

1 pre checked
$24.95  30 Days

Are downloads included?

No. Downloads are not available at this time.

Payment Methods

  • Credit Card
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Boss Lesson Score & Stats

Boss Lesson Stats Scores
  • 28+ Movies (avg: 20 mins)
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality11/15
Content Amount6/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material5/10
Rabbit Score67%

Understand the criteria

Boss Lesson Video Quality


640x4803509K; Streaming



Boss Lesson Reviewed by: Satine Von Stratten

Latest Review Update: Feb 3, 2017

Since our last review of the site:

  • Despite the dates showing weekly updates, the counts have remained the same.