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British Lesbian Porn Review

British Lesbian Porn Porn Review




  • bonus sites
  • mostly good-quality vids
  • full-length downloads

Don't Like:

  • poor organization
  • nonexclusive content
  • unclear update schedule

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I was a little worried when the first video I randomly downloaded from British Lesbian Porn not only had audio, but also voices talking in a language that definitely wasn't English. Thankfully, the rest of the collection I checked out was lesbian and British and working.

First crisis averted, but what of the BritishLesbianPorn that is there? Well, I can tell you that the babes are hot, the action is hardcore lesbo loving featuring two or more Brit babes, and often toys are brought into the mix. Unfortunately, the content is nonexclusive.

At first glance, the navigation seems good. Each scene is represented by one large and three small thumbnails and below them are the links to download the vids. The problem is that throughout the pages, you will find scenes with videos, scenes offering both vids and pics, and others with just picture sets. There are no separate sections, nor is there any way to filter the content or save your favorite scenes.

Navigation issues aside, I went through it all and counted a total of 50 photo sets and 12 videos. The collection isn't dated, but they do mention when the last update was, which occurred at the start of May 2012. When it was updated before that, or when the next one is coming, I can’t tell you.

The photo sets are all downloadable in Zip files and the pics are high-res, but tend to look a little fuzzy and don't always have the best lighting. As for the vids, they are all downloadable in full-length files. Some are AVI and some are in Windows Media and I found that all the ones I checked out had different bit rates. Although, on average, they did look good, which was nice. The newest films are in great-quality MPEGs.

There is obviously not enough to get you jonesing for a membership here. But what if I told you that you also get access to four bonus sites: British Interracial Porn, British Porn Couples, British Bang Squad and British Teen Porn. For some that might be enough extra action to make it maybe worth checking out, but they aren’t lesbian sites.

British Lesbian Porn Alternatives

British Lesbian Porn Score & Stats

British Lesbian Porn Stats Scores
  • 12+ Movies (avg: 20 mins)
  • 50+ Pic Sets (100 pics-per-set)
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Streaming

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

British Lesbian Porn Video Quality







Published: May 20, 2012