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British Porn Couples Review

British Porn Couples Porn Review




  • good-quality videos
  • bonus sites
  • full-length downloads

Don't Like:

  • can only download one vid at a time
  • nonexclusive content
  • unclear update schedule

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Each scene on British Porn Couples features a hot chick and a lucky dude getting to fuck that hot chick. Now, the term "couples" would seem to imply that these are real couple in real relationships and I guess that is possible for some of them. However, the videos I watched were all amateur , but not "real" couples (they were taken from some DVD series).

The site looks pretty good, but navigation has one issue. There are no sections, so in order to find all the vids and photo sets you need to click from page to page to page seeing what each scene offers. This can be a little tedious, but I did it and this is what I found.

There are currently 12 videos and 45 sets of pictures. The photos look crisp and are downloadable in Zip files, with the newest gallery as I write this contains actual high-res shots. Meanwhile, the videos are good in quality and are downloadable in full-length Windows Media files. There are no clips and there is no streaming option.

Like I mentioned before, the vids are all very amateur in their productions and performances. Even though they generally aren't "real" couples, I would call some of the participants pro-am. Scenes cover all the hardcore basics, with various positions, facials and some of the chicks take it up the ass . These are no beginners, folks!

While the amount of content isn't impressive, neither is the update schedule. The collection isn't dated and there is no mention of when the next addition is coming, but they do say when the last update was made. The most recent gallery was added May 7, 2012, which means there have been only three photo sets and no movies since October 2011.

To go along with the main content, your membership comes with access to four other hardcore British sites, like British Interracial Porn, British Teen Porn, British Lesbian Porn and British Bang Squad.

The bonus sites do add some value, but be warned that they too are mostly photo sets, are all nonexclusive and don't have clear-cut update schedules, either. It also looks like you can only download one video at a time. All in all, I just can't see British Porn Couples being worth the money at this point.

British Porn Couples Alternatives

British Porn Couples Score & Stats

British Porn Couples Stats Scores
  • 12+ Movies (avg: 20 mins)
  • 45+ Pic Sets (125 pics-per-set)
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Streaming

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

British Porn Couples Video Quality



Published: May 16, 2012