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British Teen Porn Review

British Teen Porn Porn Review




  • bonus sites
  • downloadable videos
  • zipped photo sets

Don't Like:

  • average-quality videos
  • poor navigation
  • no clear update schedule

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Fans of my reviews, and even those who hate what I write, are probably aware that I have a thing for British girls. The accents and the attitude all work in their favor and I can't help but feel a little excited every time I get a British site to check out and British Teen Porn is no exception.

However, given that I had already reviewed a few other sites from these guys I had a feeling that this site was, like all their other ones, going to disappoint me. And that is what it did.

I am first going to discuss the organization. Like all their other sites, there are no video and photo sections. Instead, everything is presented on page after page. The big problem here is that you have to go through each page and look at the links under the preview image to know if the scene has a video and a photo set or just one or the other.

The navigation issue is that there are no page numbers, just a "back" and a "see more" button. This makes getting to a specific page to find a scene/gallery you liked difficult. The thrown-together nature of the site is mirrored in its content. There are solo, hardcore and threesome scenes. Some are very amateur and ones have slightly higher production values. Also, some of the content is said to be exclusive, but most of it isn't.

Finally, there is the quality of the porn. The pictures are all high-res, but you'll get a range with the videos. I checked out five of the 10 movies and got four different bit rates among them, with most being average in quality. And while some came in an MPEG file, others were Windows Media files (you don't know which until you go to download the film). There are also 55 photo sets.

I mentioned earlier that I have seen other sites from these guys and with a membership you can as well. These include British Lesbian Porn, British Bang Squad, British Porn Couples and British Interracial Porn. As a whole, there just isn't enough content to make a membership worth considering.

British Teen Porn Alternatives

British Teen Porn Score & Stats

British Teen Porn Stats Scores
  • 55+ Pic Sets (50 pics-per-set)
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • 10+ Movies (avg: 20 mins)
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Streaming

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

British Teen Porn Video Quality





Published: May 20, 2012