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Celeb Porn Archive Review

Celeb Porn Archive Porn Review




  • many good-quality videos
  • keyword tags
  • bonus movies

Don't Like:

  • nonexclusive content
  • no advanced search engine
  • no separate video and photo sections

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Celeb Porn Archive Porn

When news of Scarlett Johansson's cell phone getting hacked was released, I practically crashed Google's servers all by myself in an attempt to find those leaked pics of her milky smooth tits. Alas, I couldn't find any (that were uncensored), but now I can finally rejoice because Celeb Porn Archive has my coveted pics! It also has a buttload of other boobies for me to enjoy that belong to pretty much every celebrity I've ever had the hots for. 

CelebPornArchive gets its content from sex scenes in movies , leaked home videos of famous chicks sucking and fucking their men, and from a bunch of non-sex-related sources, such as red carpet walks and popular magazines. There's also a ton of material taken from other celebrity porn sites.

The content can be found in the "sex tapes" and "updates" sections, but it seems as though the best way to find everything is by using the built-in search engine to look for either movies or pictures. Or you can just browse those two sections till something catches you eye. You can also use the tags to find similar content.

You get a lot of celebrity porn here, with around 3451 movies and about 3309 galleries. Many of the pics look good and some are even high-res shots, but others are pretty crummy. Some are simply vid caps. As for the videos, you can stream them in Flash and download them in several formats. Many of the movies are good in quality and some even provide great-quality playback.

However, it should be noted that a bunch of the movies are grainier than their bit rates would suggest. Generally speaking, the videos and images in the sex tapes section are the least impressive when it comes to clarity and brightness, but are still sharp enough to enjoy.

You get access to countless streaming porn movies in amateur , cartoon and other niches, but it's debatable as to whether or not you'll even need them as there's already a lot to see here and new material continues to be added several times a month. All in all, Celeb Porn Archive is a good deal. Plus if you want to discover other celebrity sites with yummy content, Mr. Skin and Vivid Celeb have some good stuff on tap. 

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Celeb Porn Archive Score & Stats

Celeb Porn Archive Stats Scores
  • 3451+ Movies (avg: 7 mins)
  • 3309+ Pic Sets (10 pics-per-set)
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality10/15
Content Amount15/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material9/10
Rabbit Score62%

Understand the criteria

Celeb Porn Archive Video Quality






1024x4281506K; Streaming



Celeb Porn Archive Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Dec 3, 2015

Since our last review of the site:

  • Fifty-eight videos and 41 photo galleries have been added, with three flicks and one set of pics in the last month.