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Chastity Craze Review

Chastity Craze Porn Review




  • HD videos
  • mostly exclusive content
  • bonus sites

Don't Like:

  • inconsistent updates
  • not mobile-responsive
  • no model index


30 Days

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If you're a fellow who craves the feeling of a confined cock, or you're a lady who likes to keep her man's package tightly sealed, the content on Chastity Craze will speak to you. The videos are shot POV , so it really does feel as if the Mistresses are talking directly to you and telling you just how uncomfortable your life is going to be once you have that cage locked on your privates .

ChastityCraze is part of the Femdom Craze network. You land on the proper page when you sign in and you can right away see all the updates, but once you're done watching a movie, the "home" link will take you back to the network's homepage. It's not the biggest deal, as you can get back to the chastity content easily from the "sites" area, but it's extra clicking for no good reason. There are also live cam ads among the thumbnails.

Chastity Craze Members Area Preview

Chastity Craze Porn Members Area

There are 126 videos starring one or two babes - many of them take place on a bed. Each girl has her own style and there's usually a reason for the viewer to get his dick shackled. Some sniffed panties or spied on girls changing or something to that effect. You can stream and download them in several MP4s. However, while the videos always have high-def stats, sometimes they can be blurry. You also get vid caps with each scene.

There are also 3GPs, but you can't download them, although at this point I don't think too many folks use that format on their mobile devices. You can rate the scenes and post comments and there's a favorites section. There's a description for each movie to give you an idea of what you're getting.

I don't usually miss a model index when a site doesn't have one, but one would be beneficial here. There was a raven-haired Mistress who really got me going and I would've liked a way to pick out all her scenes at once, or maybe even get to know her a bit more. I will admit that some girls pull off the POV scenes better than others.

It's been a couple months since the last batch of scenes was added. Of course, since you're not joining just one site, but an entire Femdom network, you've got some bonuses to enjoy. For example, there's Ballbusting POV and Eat Your Cum. You also get sites that focus on feet and tickling. If you're looking for hardcore of all kinds, check out the 13,600 bonus DVDs.

I like that Chastity Craze has a different spin on the use of the chastity device and although they could have more consistent video quality, you're getting decent enough footage for the most part. They could also do with more consistent updating, but still chastity fans will want to take a look.

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Chastity Craze Membership Options

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$29.95  30 Days
$59.95  90 Days

Are downloads included?

No. Downloads are not available at this time.

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Chastity Craze Score & Stats

Chastity Craze Stats Scores
  • 126+ Movies (avg: 5 mins)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality11/15
Content Amount8/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material6/10
Rabbit Score67%

Understand the criteria

Chastity Craze Video Quality




1280x7203564K; Streaming

Chastity Craze Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Aug 27, 2017

Since our last review of the site:

  • More than 60 videos have been added to the selection of scenes. However, it's been a couple of months since the last update.