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Cougar Foooki Review

Cougar Foooki Porn Review




  • exclusive content
  • bonus sites
  • keyword tags

Don't Like:

  • no updates since 2015
  • the videos don't look very good
  • no photos

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Cougar Foooki Porn

It isn't uncommon for porn sites to make exaggerated claims. When one makes a statement, it's always best to take what they say with a grain of salt. Such is the case with Cougar Foooki, which claims to be the "world's best cougar network." Well, we'll see about that.

CougarFoooki looks decent and is easy to navigate. You land on the first page of the video section when you first sign in and the default setting has them displayed with the most recent ones showing up first, but you also have other sorting options. Chances are you'll want to look through all 60 movies anyway and they're pretty hot. Most show older women sucking cock and getting fucked by a younger guy, while others give you lesbian sex and raunchy threesomes .

You can stream them in an MP4 file and download them in three more MP4s that vary in quality. The best resolution is 1080p, but regardless of their screen sizes or bit rates, they often fail to impress on screen. There's a photo section, but there's no need to check it out at this point, as there isn't a single picture on the site. You do get some good user features, though, like tags, ratings, comments and a favorites section.

If you want to look through photos, you'll have to make your way to a few of the bonus sites. There are several and they include Grandma Foooki, Hardcore Foooki and Jugg Foooki. They're all part of the Foooki Network and will come in handy, because this collection hasn't grown since October 2015. Actually, keep in mind that the entire network isn't updating at the moment and most of the bonus sites cover other niches.

As you can see, despite its claims to the contrary, Cougar Foooki is not the "world's best cougar network." In fact, the lack of updates makes this collection unappealing and who knows if that will change any time soon, or ever at this point. I also might be more inclined to overlook that issue if the movies looked as good as their stats indicate.

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Cougar Foooki Score & Stats

Cougar Foooki Stats Scores
  • 60+ Movies (avg: 30 mins)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Cougar Foooki Video Quality






1920x10801560K; Streaming

Cougar Foooki Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: May 2, 2017

Since our last review of the site:

  • Seventeen videos were added before the site stopped updating in October 2015.