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Crazy Beauties Review

Crazy Beauties Porn Review




  • good navigation
  • bonus sites
  • streaming and download options

Don't Like:

  • rotating content
  • mostly nonexclusive material
  • no photos


30 Days

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Over the years, I've dated a number of women who were both beautiful and bonkers. None of them appear on Crazy Beauties, but that isn't too surprising because the site isn't actually devoted to babes who are nuts. Instead, it focuses on hot chicks who slide sex toys into their pussies and asses.

Navigating CrazyBeauties is pretty damn easy. There's a news page with links to the most recent movies and a video section where you can find the rest of the flicks. The vids are spread across a few pages, but that's not a problem because you can jump to whichever one you want at any time.

There are 106 videos and it looks like a new one gets added each week, but you see, there are actually five fewer movies since our previous visit in November 2013. On top of that the first page of the video section looks identical to how it was back then. Click through to some of the scenes listed on that page and you'll see a bunch have had their dates switched to 2014. In other words, they are just rotating the content.

Each movie comes in four clips that can be streamed in an embedded player and also downloaded. The downloads aren't perfect either, as they're almost always available as average-quality Windows Media files. I did spot a few good-quality versions, though.

The films begin with the babes getting naked. Once they've ditched their clothes, they play with their tits and pleasure their pussies with their fingers. When their digits just aren't getting the job done, they pull out their favorite toys and go to work bringing themselves to orgasm. Some elect to use standard dildos and vibrators, but others opt for dildos that are about the size of my arm.

You won't find any photos, but there are many bonus sites that you can explore. They make up the Extreme Movie Pass and get you a lot of variety as there are 78 sites. Some of them include Crazy Spandex Girls, Fetish Transformation and Young Bondage Teens. The network is linked to on the "news" page and there's also a link to several fetish galleries. The cam site that is also linked to actually costs extra to use.

With most of the content being nonexclusive, the collection being rotated and the quality of its videos needing some improvement, Crazy Beauties is a pretty mediocre site overall. You might want to give it a look if you're in the mood to see hot chicks masturbate for both your pleasure and their own, but you wouldn't stay here long.

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Crazy Beauties Includes 81 Reviewed Bonus Porn Sites

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Are downloads included?

No. Downloads are not available at this time.

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  • Credit Card

Crazy Beauties Score & Stats

Crazy Beauties Stats Scores
  • 106+ Movies (avg: 20 mins)
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality8/15
Content Amount8/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material8/10
Rabbit Score46%

Understand the criteria

Crazy Beauties Video Quality


640x4801510K; Streaming



Published: Aug 26, 2014