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Crossdressing Newbies Review

Crossdressing Newbies Porn Review




  • great-quality videos
  • exclusive content
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  • no recent updates
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  • cam girl thumbs mixed in with content

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Crossdressing Newbies Porn

The site is called Crossdressing Newbies, but I have to say that these guys don't really seem that inexperienced when it comes to applying makeup, putting on lingerie or wearing fabulous wigs. In fact, some of them manage to look quite fetching by the time they're done making themselves up.

Nevertheless, although some of them have pretty enough faces, their Adam's apples and at times hairy chests give away the fact that they're crossdressers. These dudes also don't stuff their bras. What does appear stuffed are their panties that strain to contain the erections that crossdressing seems to give them. And in some cases, the guys get so excited that they masturbate.

In other instances (and these are my favorites), these boys-dressed-up-as-girls have sex with men who don't crossdress. In fact, the guys they hook up with tend to be quite manly-looking specimens who like to have rough gay sex with these crossdressing guys. I should also mention that quite a few of these scenes, including at least one gangbang, feature interracial action.

All of that sounds exciting, I'm sure, but there hasn't been an update to this collection since December 2014. That wouldn't be so bad if there was a lot of content, but considering that there are only 36 great-quality videos and 37 sets of high-res photos, the site seems rather modest in size.

Although the playback stats are consistently high for all the vids, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that the flicks don't always look so great. It's not that they're not clear enough, but it's more that they always look a bit overexposed and washed out. You can probably mess around with the settings on your video player to compensate for that, though.

A membership includes bonus sites, like Bisexual Newbies and Gay Newbies. You also get some straight porn sites and that brings me to something else I feel the need to point out. When you browse any of the sites on this network, the thumbnails for the content are mixed with thumbnails advertising live cam girls.

When a site doesn't have that much content, I normally try to consider whether what it does have is unique. I don't mean just in the sense of whether the material is exclusive (as these scenes are), but also whether I can find similar scenes elsewhere. There are at least a couple sites that are better than Crossdressing Newbies, so it's hardly a standout.

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Crossdressing Newbies Score & Stats

Crossdressing Newbies Stats Scores
  • 36+ Movies (avg: 25 mins)
  • 37+ Pic Sets (120 pics-per-set)
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Crossdressing Newbies Video Quality




768x5764021K; Streaming

Published: Jul 26, 2015