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Crotch Buffet Review

Crotch Buffet Porn Review




  • mostly exclusive content
  • good-quality videos
  • bonus sites

Don't Like:

  • stopped updating
  • no high-res pics
  • only mp4 downloads

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Crotch Buffet has some cheesy pics in its promotional banners. They show men holding various fruits and vegetables in front of their privates . The fresh produce is mostly of the phallic variety. Its tagline says something about offering all the studs you can eat.

Despite appearing to have an overall theme, there really isn't one inside. Instead, CrotchBuffet is a mishmash of orgies, solo sets and bareback scenes. The only possible link between the scenes is that the guys are a bit athletic. They're also not particularly fresh-faced specimens, especially when compared to the ones on some of the other sites from the network who tend to be twinks .

There are currently 61 videos sourced from 13 DVDs to stream in an embedded player. There are a couple of MP4 download options, including one that offers good-quality playback and another that works well with mobile devices. You can feel free to rate the content, leave comments and save to a favorites section.

As mentioned previously, there's group sex and one-on-one encounters between men. You will even see some bare backing. There are also several hung fellows jerking off by their lonesome for the camera.

There are six photo galleries as well and the images look pretty good despite not being all that large. You can save your favorites shots individually or go ahead and grab entire galleries in Zip files.

The pics show one muscular stud in a variety of sexy poses. In one of them, the buff nude dude sticks an English cucumber up his butt. That's before holding it in such a way as to make us believe it is a giant cock between his legs. He also does layouts with a banana, an apple, eggs and a frying pan. It's humorous, but he's somewhat hot and it actually fits with the site's theme.

You also get access to 16 bonus sites from the Gay Star Network. They include He's So Big, Bisex 101, Handy Studs and Bareback 101. They mostly focus on fresh-faced, smooth-skinned, slim guys. They look innocent, but act like hormone-driven horndogs. Crotch Buffet is a decent site, but it isn't updating anymore, which makes it less appealing. 

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Crotch Buffet Score & Stats

Crotch Buffet Stats Scores
  • 61+ Movies (avg: 30 mins)
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • 6+ Pic Sets (45 pics-per-set)
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality9/15
Content Amount7/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material4/10
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Crotch Buffet Video Quality




640x4801500K; Streaming

Published: Mar 23, 2014