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    Doctor Vampiro XXX Review

    Doctor Vampiro XXX Porn Review




    • Full HD videos
    • exclusive content
    • mobile compatible

    Don't Like:

    • no recent updates
    • tiny collection
    • broken usability features


    30 Days

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    Doctor Vampiro XXX Porn

    Vampires were all the rage at one point. Major movie stars played them in big-budget Hollywood productions, and television dramas turned bloodsuckers into household names. So a site called Doctor Vampiro XXX might sound like it'd be cashing in on this popular mystique with immoral/immortal hardcore . But that's not what this Mexican porn site is all about.

    Instead, the star of DoctorVampiroXXX is a pudgy and hairy Mexican man who is playing the role of "doctor." He wears a lab coat over his camouflage shorts and logo T's, pairing the outfit with dark sunglasses.

    Doctor Vampiro XXX Members Area Preview

    Doctor Vampiro XXX Porn Members Area

    He fondles and gropes his patients in the hopes that his healing touch will cure them. I presume that when he gets a blowjob he's checking their reflexes - gag reflexes, that is! Then he penetrates them to take their temperature. Some patients wear masks, which is one way to guarantee doctor-patient confidentiality.

    That probably sounds hot, but let's not oversell this site too much. You've got a mere 7 videos and they haven't updated in over two months. Moreover, they all boast 1080p stats, but sometimes the playback is blurry. The scenes can be around an hour long, but there aren't any English subtitles for the Spanish dialogue. The 1 photo set is downloadable in three sizes of Zip file.

    A lot of the usability features don't work, like the sorting options don't do anything. There's a little heart appearing near the top of each page, but you can't click on it to add the scene to your favorites. A field for tags is blank on every update and the TAG link at the bottom of the page pulls up zero results. The scenes have different ratings, but you can't rate them yourself. Comments can be left, though, and the basic search is functional. Also, the site is mobile responsive.

    Usability is the least of this site's problems though. Because while Doctor Vampiro XXX has entertaining reality porn scenes, especially if you speak Spanish, this collection is just too small and is growing way too slowly. Still, something else in its favor is that at least it's not expensive to join.

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    Doctor Vampiro XXX Score & Stats

    Doctor Vampiro XXX Stats Scores
    • HD Porn
    • Streaming
    • No Download Limits
    • Photo Zip Sets
    • High Res Photos
    • 7+ Movies (avg: 30 mins)
    • 1+ Pic Sets (26 pics-per-set)
    • No 4K Videos

    Score Breakdown

    Image Quality12/15
    Content Amount2/15
    Download / Streaming5/5
    Bonus MaterialN/A
    Rabbit Score58%

    Understand the criteria

    Doctor Vampiro XXX Video Quality




    1920x10804000K; Streaming

    Published: Oct 20, 2018