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Embrianna Review

Embrianna Porn Review




  • Full HD videos
  • Network access
  • Good browsing tools

Don't Like:

  • Not updating
  • Small library
  • No advanced search

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Embrianna Porn

See Pregnant Smoking on Embrianna

Brianna is the woman behind Embrianna, a pregnant solo model site. She's a French-Canadian girl who is proud of her heritage, enjoying things like geography, poutine, and smoking cigarettes. That last one might be the most controversial interest of hers, as many of the videos feature her smoking while in the later terms of her pregnancy. Still, in her site's welcome message she acknowledges making peace with it, so who are we to judge?

What Do You Get With Embrianna?

If you decide to join Embrianna, you'll get access to 24 Full HD movies. This is the only resolution they're available in, despite having multiple download options, and it's remastered from lower-resolution footage. The same number of photo sets are available in galleries and Zips, although the content is slightly different between the two types of media, so you're getting slightly more content than the overall counts would suggest. Downloads are unlimited.

Embrianna Members Area Preview

Embrianna Porn Members Area

Brianna didn't consider herself sexy enough to model before getting pregnant, although she's an attractive Quebecois woman. Long brunette hair, B-cup breasts, light-green eyes, and a slight figure are some of her more prominent physical traits. But arguably her most unique feature is the twisting, circular tattoo that spreads out across her stomach.

As for the content she appears in, it's mostly nature shots where she starts clothed and undresses, much like you'd expect from any other softcore porn photoshoot. The videos are usually similar, however, there are some that have a bit more dynamism. For instance, in a few scenes, she uses a dildo or vibrator to pleasure herself. And several scenes see her slowing ambling along, smoking cigarettes and enjoying the nice weather.

Embrianna is just one of the many sites included with the VIP Members network. Most of its content focuses on niche fetishes or solo models. If you're looking for more content like this, check out Lactalia, Smoking Mina, and Pregnant Kristi. But there are also tattoo sites (Suicide Scarlett) and peeing porn ones (Golden Passions), meaning you'll have a lot of different experiences available to you.

What Works About Embrianna?

This site is mobile-responsive and has a somewhat dated design. However, it's still fully functional, with convenient separations for the videos and photos. The thumbnails flip through images if you hover over them, which is handy for a quick glance at any given scene. And it includes interactive tools like favorites, comments, and five-star ratings.

The streaming player is a bit of a mixed bag. It loads quickly, although that might be that most videos are fewer than ten minutes in length. It also has shortcut thumbs for every thirty seconds of footage, which can be quite handy. Keyboard shortcuts are available, as are mini-player and fullscreen modes.

You'll find a couple of different support options, depending on whether you visit from the members' area or not. But an FAQ is available, and you can reach out to the site through email or their ticket support. While you can use this method to cancel your membership, it might be easier to go directly to your biller instead. We also cover the site with our Money Back Guarantee, so feel free to hit up Rabbit's if you need a hand.

What Doesn't Work On Embrianna?

Brianna was pregnant sometime in 2012, which coincides with the last time she uploaded content. Honestly, aside from the different outfits, it's possible that all the available content comes from the same shoot. And while that's just conjecture, there's no debating that you're not getting very much from this small collection. In any case, she hasn't released new content in more than a decade, so don't join expecting fresh updates.

The site has some technical limitations, like the lack of an advanced search and tags and categories. Some of the layout decisions might also make it difficult to browse comfortably on mobile devices, although the elements will adjust to fit your screen's size.

And I also ran into some issues with the content files. Specifically, the photo Zips and original video files wouldn't download for me. It's still possible to save individual images, though, and the only difference between the videos appears to be the bitrate. I should also mention that the remaster didn't actually improve the video quality, so they look grainy and low-quality.

Look, we're the last place you should feel kink-shamed, but it's hard to ignore a pregnant woman recording herself smoking. Yes, she acknowledges that it's selfish and it is ultimately her decision. But that doesn't mean she should be free from judgment, especially when treating another's life so flippantly.

Do I Recommend Embrianna?

A small, legacy collection of upscaled SD videos from a decade ago is hardly the most promising sales pitch. But there's no debating that this is a unique set of videos and photos featuring a rare crossover between smoking and pregnancy fetishes. And other sites on the network are updating, so it's not devoid of value. However, this site might be one to skip if you're not absolutely enamored with Embrianna herself.

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Yes. Downloads are included at no extra cost.

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Embrianna Score & Stats

Embrianna Stats Scores
  • 24+ Movies (avg: 3 mins)
  • 24+ Pic Sets (80 pics-per-set)
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality15/15
Content Amount6/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material6/10
Rabbit Score71%

Understand the criteria

Embrianna Video Quality


1920x10808000K; Streaming



Embrianna Reviewed by: Mike Iker

Latest Review Update: Sep 9, 2024

Since our last review of the site:

  • They've removed one video and 12 photo sets.
  • Updates stopped in 2012.