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Erotic Nymphets Review

Erotic Nymphets Porn Review




  • exclusive content
  • high-res photo sets
  • some good-quality videos

Don't Like:

  • stopped updating
  • no zipped photo sets
  • dated-looking design

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Erotic Nymphets Porn

I wasn't sure at first whether Erotic Nymphets was all about masturbation or if it was going to offer me a bit more than just solo action. Well, the site happens to be better than what I imagined, with the only danger being how horny it'll make you. Nothing is dated, but since the amounts haven't changed in ages, it's clear that they stopped updating.

There are only 13 videos on EroticNymphets and each comes in an AVI file. About half offer good-quality playback and the rest are average in quality. Each clip is approximately one minute in length and there can be up to 10 clips per scene. Even if you aren't a big fan of clips, the babes here are hot amateurs (they claim some are virgins) and worth your time. They're fairly inexperienced and pretty, which is always a plus in my books.

The bulk of the site rests with the 74 high-res picture sets and each contains between 90 and 120 photos. While obviously on the amateur side, the photographer is good at what he does.

The framing is nice, the lighting is even and the locations vary from one set to the next, which adds some spice. It doesn't appear as if Photoshop was used for any touch ups, so what you see is what you get, which isn't bad at all. What is a little bad is that you can't save the sets in Zip files.

Members also get access to 11 bonus sites that include Virgin Paradise, Nylon Passion, They Drunk and Pantyhose Colors. You'll definitely see more hot models and besides some of them appearing in hardcore , not solo, action, some of them are considerably older than the models here.

These Erotic Nymphets are very sweet. In fact, some are so sweet that you could subsist on them instead of chocolate - or at least try. Still, as a photo site it's not very impressive and as a video site even less so. You're just not getting enough bang for your buck in the end. And with a lack of updates, it doesn't look as if that will be changing any time soon.

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Erotic Nymphets Score & Stats

Erotic Nymphets Stats Scores
  • 13+ Movies (avg: 10 mins)
  • 74+ Pic Sets (110 pics-per-set)
  • No Download Limits
  • High Res Photos
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Streaming
  • No Photo Zip Sets

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Erotic Nymphets Video Quality



Erotic Nymphets Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Feb 20, 2015

Since our last review of the site:

  • Nothing has changed except for the score. It increased a bit because the site is now being judged based on its photos, not videos.