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Exploited Ex GF Review

Exploited Ex GF Porn Review




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Exploited Ex GF Porn

Some guys deal better with the end of a relationship than others. I guess if you have enough play, it's easier to walk away. Maybe I'm just being cynical, because no matter how easy it might be to find someone new, there's always one or two you don't want to let go of. It can make you feel vengeful and that's the story behind Exploited Ex GF, where dudes get payback by posting dirty vids and pics of their exes.

They used to really try to make it feel real on ExploitedExGF. They would have postings with a username for whatever guy apparently submitted them and many a jilted guy made some sort of crude comment about the chick. However, that "user submitted" pretense went away long ago and I feel comfortable now just calling most of the videos amateur .

You might feel a bit overwhelmed by all that's offered when you first sign in, but navigating it is actually simple. Just head over to the sections marked "videos" and "pictures" to find the main content. The rest is bonus material.

While there is a good amount of hardcore action to be found here, in many cases the 1,154 videos show you candid softcore acts or masturbation . The sort of thing that your girl might let you shoot, or even shoot herself and send you so you have something to masturbate to when she's not around.

The vids often look amateur enough to be the genuine article and all of them come in multiple formats, including a few MP4 files. Most have good-quality playback, but a number of the movies are marked as HD and those offer, well, an HD option. The 456 photo sets provide high-res images and Zip files.

When it came to the hardcore movies I mostly saw only blowjobs , but I also came across some that had hot and hardcore banging of very cute and sexy amateur babes . I noticed one with a condom and I think that rubbers somehow make it more believable that real amateurs are doing it. Being homemade porn, a lot of the scenes with sex in them are POV since the ex-boyfriend is almost always the cameraman.

There are DVDs to check out, too, plus you get all the sites in the headings at the top of the page, giving you thousands more videos and pics. It is all part of the Mega Site Pass network and includes Knocked Up Nina, Kelsey XXX and Stracy Stone. These extras definitely add some value to a membership, but even without them Exploited Ex GF has enough content to make it worth visiting. It's even adding 14 new videos every month.

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Exploited Ex GF Score & Stats

Exploited Ex GF Stats Scores
  • 1154+ Movies (avg: 8 mins)
  • 456+ Pic Sets (100 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

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Exploited Ex GF Video Quality




640x3602001K; Streaming





Published: Jan 16, 2014