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    Exposed Latinas Review

    Exposed Latinas Porn Review




    • 1080p videos
    • Mobile-optimized interface
    • Content tags

    Don't Like:

    • Unclear update schedule
    • No bonuses
    • No favorites


    30 Days

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    Exposed Latinas Porn

    Want to See Exposed Latinas ?

    Whenever I hear the word "exposed," it always makes me think of those TV shows where they bust companies for conducting shady business practices. But being exposed could also mean that you're naked and on full display. Thankfully, the latter is what Exposed Latinas is all about.

    Downloads & Streams in 1080p

    When we were first here in 2018, the site had just launched so they only had eight scenes and on top of that nothing was dated. They still have no dates but the collection has grown to 168 videos, so clearly they've been updating over the last few years. Quality remains consistent. Every scene streams and downloads in Full HD and has an accompanying photo set. The images are high-res and available in multiple Zip files. 

    Exposed Latinas Members Area Preview

    Exposed Latinas Porn Members Area

    Enjoy a Variety of Latina Girls

    As the site name implies, the focus is 100% on Latinas. I didn't recognize many of the girls and even though there's a model index, none of them had profiles. Just stats, like their ethnicity, and some tell you if their boobs are natural or enhanced, but that's all. You'll see slim girls, more muscular babes , curvy figures and even a handful of BBWs .

    Some scenes have a casting element and start with the girls being interviewed. They've added subtitles, so now you can understand what they're saying. They mostly talk about their backgrounds and naturally, the topic of sex comes up. Eventually, the girls get naked and the action begins. Others follow a taboo theme with the girls playing stepmoms and stepsisters . I appreciate that they stopped with some of the "goofier" scenes that focused too much on the guys, who would make funny faces, laugh, or speak into the camera.

    Easy to Navigate & Clean Interface

    The most useful browsing tools are the tags and categories. There's no search engine, basic or advanced, and for some reason, they removed the sorting options for the videos, although they do have them for the models. No favorites either. Aside from that, you can rate and comment on the scenes.

    If you like to consume your porn on your smartphone or tablet, you'll appreciate that the interface is mobile optimized. This means the pages load quickly, the streams rarely buffer and you can take advantage of things like picture-in-picture mode, which lets you watch a video while you browse the rest of the site.

    How to Cancel Exposed Latinas

    If you need to reach their support for any reason, the only way to do it is through an online contact form, but there's no indication of how long they take to respond. You may request a cancellation through this form, but the easier way is to do it through the biller you signed up with. We're always here to help too, so reach out to us (Skype or contact form) and we'll do our best to assist you.

    A True Latina Porn Site

    They still don't offer any bonuses, but that was more of an issue when the site first launched and had fewer than 10 scenes. Adding more browsing tools may be beneficial as they get bigger, but for now, it's not necessarily a dealbreaker. If all you crave are Latina babes, this is a decent option in a popular category.

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    Exposed Latinas Membership Options

    Cross Sales

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    Are downloads included?

    No. Downloads are not available at this time.

    Payment Methods

    • Credit Card
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    Exposed Latinas Score & Stats

    Exposed Latinas Stats Scores
    • 168+ Movies (avg: 20 mins)
    • 168+ Pic Sets (40 pics-per-set)
    • HD Porn
    • Streaming
    • No Download Limits
    • Photo Zip Sets
    • High Res Photos
    • No 4K Videos

    Score Breakdown

    Image Quality13/15
    Content Amount11/15
    Download / Streaming5/5
    Bonus Material1/10
    Rabbit Score73%

    Understand the criteria

    Exposed Latinas Video Quality




    1920x10805000K; Streaming

    Exposed Latinas Reviewed by: Xander Gordon

    Latest Review Update: Jul 6, 2021

    Since our last review of the site:

    • There are still no dates, but they've added 160 more videos.