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    Faith Belle Review

    Faith Belle Porn Review




    • downloadable videos
    • exclusive content
    • bonus sites

    Don't Like:

    • minimal content
    • no recent updates
    • average-quality videos

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    As I entered this review I was a little skeptical about it, but sometimes you just got to have faith, or in this case, Faith Belle. However, given many of the site changes that have taken place, you may, like me, experience a crisis of faith.

    FaithBelle has completely changed her site from how it was. The design is different, as is the amount of content. Now there is a lot less material on her site and according to the date stamps below each of the videos, no new content has been added in around a year.

    When you enter her site, you'll notice that you're at the entrance to what is a large network of sites. More than 50 bonus sites are included in your membership, but more on that later. I did, however, feel it necessary to mention that right away, because you'll probably be disappointed with everything else that you find out.

    Well, maybe not everything, because Faith really is a cute gal. She defninitely plays up the "down-home" aspect of her personality and is often found in jeans or a jean skirt while wearing the kind of hat she probably wears out on the ranch. You'll see her by herself for the most part, but there is a set where she licks her friend's pussy and another where she gets down with two other gals.

    There are just six videos and nine picture sets available now. Since there have been no updates in such a long time, it seems likely that all the other stuff they used to have has just disappeared somewhere and we won't ever be seeing it again.

    As for the quality of the content, you'll be able to stream or download the videos in average-quality Windows Media, MPEG or MP4 formats. There is also a streaming Flash version. The pictures look okay, but do not meet our standards for high-res.

    That's not enough smut to make the monthly fee worthwhile, no matter how you look at it. But you'll also be able to access more than 50 bonus sites that will give you full access to great stuff like Samantha Gauge, Lucy Summers and Crazy Club Chicks. On its own Faith Belle is by no means the belle of the ball, but the bonus material might convince you to join.

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    Faith Belle Score & Stats

    Faith Belle Stats Scores
    • Streaming
    • No Download Limits
    • 6+ Movies (avg: 10 mins)
    • 9+ Pic Sets (60 pics-per-set)
    • No HD Porn
    • No 4K Videos
    • No Photo Zip Sets
    • No High Res Photos

    Score Breakdown

    Image QualityN/A
    Content AmountN/A
    Download / StreamingN/A
    Bonus MaterialN/A
    Rabbit ScoreN/A

    Understand the criteria

    Faith Belle Video Quality







    Published: Jan 26, 2010