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Fuck My Flab Review

Fuck My Flab Porn Review




  • HD videos
  • bonus sites
  • exclusive content

Don't Like:

  • high-end membership fee
  • infrequent photo updates
  • no zipped photo sets

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You like big gals, right? You like 'em so big that they have rolls and rolls of fat, so big that you can stick your cock right in between them and fuck those sweaty mounds of flesh. Can you just imagine some beautiful fattie walking up to you and saying, "Hey, would you Fuck My Flab?"

The answer can only be a resounding, "Yes!" Who could resist the perilously pendulous breasts of a fat chick in heat. There are big, beautiful women in the world and then there just out-and-out plump, horny babes . These chicks are so horny for cock that they'll do anything to get it and the guys that fuck them know how pleasurable it can be to shove that cock right into a nice, warm, wet fold of sweat-lubed belly flesh. At FuckMyFlab, you'll see some elite fatties getting into some very hot hardcore action.

Take Glory Foxxx, for example. Now, here's a chick that's pushing 350 pounds, but she has a 10-ton appetite for sex. She lays on her side and lets a hung, black stud shove his cock into her waiting folds. When he slides it into her pussy and needs a little extra leverage, he grabs onto one of her fat rolls and rides her like a cowboy. She takes a huge load of jizz all over her stomach, but it still doesn't look that big since there's so much area to cover. Glorious, indeed!

Currently, there are 72 videos. You have three different quality options for downloading. The best one is an high-def Windows Media format that looks absolutely spectacular. The other versions look good as well. New videos appear to be added about once a week as of late.

There are only 14 sets of pictures right now, but each of them contain between 160 and 220 pictures. They're not quite high-res pics, but they're very close. They'd have to be to fit these chicks in the frame. Unfortunately, they seem to have only added one picture set in the last six months or so.

Bonuses include access to 18 more perverted hardcore sites, although there isn't any more BBW content. You'll get access to Her Last Fuck, Ass Smoothie and Pornstar Solos, just to name a few.

The price for a monthly membership is quite high, but when you factor in the bonus sites, it starts to look a little bit better. Fuck My Flab is an original site with some highly entertaining fucking that those who love fat chicks will thoroughly enjoy, especially if you download the best-quality videos. You'll have to decide if the content quality, amount and bonus sites make the price worthwhile to you.

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Fuck My Flab Score & Stats

Fuck My Flab Stats Scores
  • 72+ Movies (avg: 25 mins)
  • 14+ Pic Sets (180 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • No Download Limits
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Streaming
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Fuck My Flab Video Quality



Published: Oct 9, 2010