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Fucked In Traffic Review

Fucked In Traffic Porn Review




  • Full HD videos
  • English subtitles
  • bonus sites

Don't Like:

  • no dated content or update log
  • limited trial
  • pre-checked cross sale

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Most people hate being stuck in traffic, so some read a book (you're moving slowly anyway), listen to the radio, or roll down their windows and start conversing with the other poor souls. So it's a good thing the driver on Fucked In Traffic spends his time roaming the streets of the Czech Republic instead of somewhere else in the world because a good fuck is the best remedy for the stuck-in-traffic blues!

FuckedInTraffic features car sex where a taxi driver spends his days roaming the mean streets of Eastern Europe in search of babes who are willing to give some attention to his lonely cock. Some turn him down cold, while others let him wiggle his pecker into them. There isn't anything these Euro sirens won't do to get a free ride!

Fucked In Traffic Members Area Preview

Fucked In Traffic Porn Members Area

It's incredible how easy the driver gets laid. The scenarios start with him picking up a girl and sometimes she doesn't have money to pay for her ride, so she blows him instead. Other situations involve the driver hitting on his clients and coaxing them into getting it on and the babes are more than happy to let him plow their nether regions.

You can check out 61 Full HD videos (downloads are waived if you join through us) and photo sets. Each scene lasts about 20 to 30 minutes and they have English subtitles with Czech audio. You can rate the action, leave comments and the "add to my list" is a way of keeping track of your favorites with the option of creating multiple custom playlists.

However, not only is this site smaller (20 fewer scenes), but they also removed the dates so there's no telling when or if they plan on updating. Also, your membership now includes access to a newly formed network called VIP Sex Vault (which has 55 of its own scenes) instead of the larger Lets Doe It network. A couple of the sites you now get access to include Exposed Casting and Pinup Sex.

Even with much less content overall, you'll be glad for the multiple sorting options and the basic search engine. Plus if you like a performer, female or male, the model index may help you find updates of theirs from across the network. Many of the women have some stats too.

Those of you who get off on pickups and down and dirty car sex that steams up the windows will get off on what Fucked In Traffic has to offer. The content remains high in quality and these European babes are gorgeous, but with no dates on anything who knows when you'll get a new scene. And the reduction in bonus content is disappointing, too.

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User Comments

By Maxito on Sep 18, 2017

Pay for this site, and I never allowed my self to enter, claim and never had answer....!!!


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Fucked In Traffic Membership Options

Cross Sales

1 pre checked
$1.00  2 Days

*Rebills at 34.95

$19.95  30 Days
$99.95  365 Days

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No. Downloads are not available at this time.

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Fucked In Traffic Score & Stats

Fucked In Traffic Stats Scores
  • 61+ Movies (avg: 25 mins)
  • 61+ Pic Sets (75 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality14/15
Content Amount8/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material5/10
Rabbit Score73%

Understand the criteria

Fucked In Traffic Video Quality


1920x10806000K; Streaming



Fucked In Traffic Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Jul 5, 2019

Since our last review of the site:

  • The collection shrunk by 20 scenes and the dates were removed so they may be planning on (or already) rotating content.
  • It's now part of the VIP Sex Vault network (instead of the Lets Doe It network) so you get fewer bonus sites.