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Fucking Glasses Review

Fucking Glasses Porn Review




  • newest videos in 4K
  • good user features
  • exclusive content

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  • no recent updates
  • no advanced search engine
  • pre-checked cross sale

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Fucking Glasses Porn

At first, I assumed that Fucking Glasses was a site dedicated to banging girls wearing glasses and probably cumming on those spectacles as well. But it wasn't. Then, thinking outside the box, I thought that maybe it was a site that had girls sliding glasses into their pussy. Wrong again!

FuckingGlasses is actually a reality porn site from Eastern Europe featuring a dude who picks up chicks while wearing a pair of glasses with a camera built into them. Or at least that's what the site claims. My only hesitation is with whether or not the guy is really wearing glasses with a camera in them. (We all know that the pickups aren't real, right?)

You see, the framing of the shot for many of the videos I watched had one side of the guy's face in it and I even saw his shirt collar at times. Now, how could that be if the camera was in his glasses? But you also see both his hands, so he can't be holding the camera. Regardless, the hidden camera/reality pick-up theme is well played here and the girls are hot and they look good sucking cock, fucking and getting a load of jizz on their pretty face.

When you first sign in you'll find yourself on the Dirty Flix network. To get to the action you can simply select the site from the "sites" drop-down menu and away you go. I did exactly that and was presented with 117 videos and 116 photo sets.

When it comes to the quality of the content, all of the videos are in Full HD, with 24 of the newest also in 4K as an option. When it comes to the images, there's a mix of high-res pics and vid caps in most of the sets, which can all be downloaded in Zip files.

You can sort the content, post comments and ratings, and there are tags and a model index to help you find something specific. It's been well over a month since the last update, but you get access to the rest of the network. You can check out more than a dozen sites, including Make Him Cuckold and Tricky Agent. If you want to see some more four-eyed cuties, you should probably check out She Is Nerdy.

Even without taking into account the bonuses you're getting (although they certainly do add value), Fucking Glasses merits a recommendation from me. Ideally, they'd pick up the pace when it comes to updates, but at least there's a good amount of content already.

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User Comments

By mazon on May 29, 2015

the site is fun and has an interesting twist on the POV porn angle. Most girls are "pros" which is hot too. If its real even better because you get real reactions from women. I doubt its real because they have to sign releases right? Still I jack to it and love the hotel locations Mz


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Fucking Glasses Score & Stats

Fucking Glasses Stats Scores
  • 117+ Movies (avg: 25 mins)
  • 116+ Pic Sets (80 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • 4K Videos
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality15/15
Content Amount10/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material5/10
Rabbit Score79%

Understand the criteria

Fucking Glasses Video Quality






1920x10808551K; Streaming



Fucking Glasses Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Feb 16, 2018

Since our last review of the site:

  • They've only added three videos and photo sets. And it's been nearly two months since the last update.