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Fully Clothed Sex Review

Fully Clothed Sex Porn Review




  • many Full HD videos
  • exclusive content
  • good design and navigation

Don't Like:

  • no advanced search
  • unclear update schedule
  • no bonus sites


30 Days

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Fully Clothed Sex Porn

"What the hell is Fully Clothed Sex?" you ask. Well, you know when you're on a first date and things are going well, so you head back to your place to "watch a movie"? You throw on The Notebook (to show off your sensitive side) and then before the film is even halfway done, you make your move and within minutes the movie is just background noise to your heavy make-out session.

When you have her moaning from your skilled kisses (words of advice, guys: don't forget the neck), you make your move and try to get her pants off, but this is where she stops you and says that for the first date the clothes stay on. You agree ('cause you're a gentleman) and lay her down, spread her legs and move into the missionary position.

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Fully Clothed Sex Porn Members Area

You then start to grind her pussy, hoping she might change her mind. She doesn't and you end up with friction burn and blue balls, so you head to the bathroom to take care of it before Gosling and McAdams are reunited after World War II. That's FullyClothedSex!

I say all that to point out that what you get on this site isn't exactly what the name implies. To be more accurate, the site should have been called Mostly Clothed Sex. While full nudity is never a part of these scenes, to have sex, the dudes' pants are usually all the way off and the girls have their skirts pulled up, or their pants off and their panties pulled to the side.

There are 376 videos and photo sets. The high-res pics look good and the videos can be streamed in an embedded player and downloaded in Full HD for over 340 of the scenes. The content is from Eastern Europe and the babes are as hot as you'd expect them to be. 

There are some changes this visit. They no longer offer multisite access to the rest of Tainster network when you first sign up. Instead, they have ads promoting their Sin Drive 4K site and a section with promo deals. Despite some scenes marked "new," they removed the dates, so I'll assume they're still updating, but maybe not. They don't have sorting options anymore, but you can still save your favorites and use tags. 

Fully Clothed Sex has an interesting concept and offers high-quality content with sexy Europeans . Join if you're interested in seeing people so horny that they don't even bother taking off their clothes before they start doing it.

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User Comments

By Paul on Feb 24, 2014

You need to use the passive 3D system like you have in movie theaters and Samsung 3DTV. The blue and red system and glasses are outdated and are harder to view in 3D. You can get the passive glasses just as easy as the blue and red.


By laGoober on Apr 26, 2013

Just like the real thing, on-line porn is a "to each his own" sort of thing. That being said, this site is pretty much about as good as it gets for me personally. Hot looking women in nylons, pantyhose, and high heeled shoes is what does it for me and this site is loaded with them. LOTS of hot, young women and almost every one of them is at least an 8 or 9 out of 10. The videos are all pretty high quality (some of those that are more than a few years old are a bit less) and the majority of the camera work is pretty good too. If I had to pick out a fault I would say there aren't enough 2 guys on 1 gal videos, but again "to each his own." There are plenty of 2f/1m videos, but I'd rather have 2m/1f, and there are some of those. All-in-all the site is excellent, but most of the bonus sites weren't really my thing (are there really that many people into getting pissed on? Whatever ...). At least for my particular likes this site was about as good as it gets and if I hadn't been able to scrounge through them all then I would have even done another month on this one, but I was pretty much able to dig through them all and get all I wanted. Excellent videos, hot chicks, and LOTS of lingerie, pantyhose, and garter-belts. Yummy.


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Fully Clothed Sex Score & Stats

Fully Clothed Sex Stats Scores
  • 376+ Movies (avg: 20 mins)
  • 376+ Pic Sets (40 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality14/15
Content Amount12/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material1/10
Rabbit Score76%

Understand the criteria

Fully Clothed Sex Video Quality




1920x10806760K; Streaming

Fully Clothed Sex Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Apr 25, 2018

Since our last review of the site:

  • They streamlined the design and in the process, they removed the dates.
  • The collection has gotten smaller, but some of the most recent scenes are marked as new, so it looks like they're still updating.