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    Girls Next Door Abused Review

    Girls Next Door Abused Porn Review




    • mostly good-quality videos
    • exclusive content
    • bonus sites

    Don't Like:

    • rotating content
    • no streaming option
    • only vid caps


    30 Days

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    With a name like Girls Next Door Abused I was expecting something really hardcore and maybe verging on some sort of BDSM . However, that's not the case, as the site is really just a regular, but good, amateur hardcore reality site. The producers have obviously been influenced by the sites that have come before them as they set out to create some "chance" encounters.

    In the videos I checked out on GirlsNextDoorAbused, there was one in which some lost girl wandered into a guy's backyard looking for directions. In another, a chick whose car had broken down appeared on a dude's doorstep just as he and his buddy were discussing how one of them was trying, unsuccessfully, to sell his crappy car.

    There are 48 videos and they all seem to be exclusive. Each can be downloaded in parts or as one full-length good-quality Windows Media file. I also found one lone HD movie. There are vid caps, too. The way these reality scenes play out and how they kick the girls out at the end while laughing at them reminds me of some of the great reality porn out there, but there are a few issues with this site.

    First off, like I mentioned at the beginning, the term "abused" implies something a lot rougher and more aggressive than the hardcore fucking that takes place here. I think the term they probably wanted was "used," since that fits better with the theme of fucking the chicks, then kicking them out without providing them with the help they had promised.

    Also, the scenes begin with the pick-up and then some eerie music plays while a graphic of the word "abused" is placed over the girl's face. Then they get to the sex. I just found it a little odd using the past tense of the word before anything had actually occurred, but that isn't a big deal.

    You get access to bonus sites and a number of video feeds. They advertise the bonus sites throughout the main content, which is annoying, because it is like they are trying to get you to pay for something that you get for free . I Shoot My Girl, Teen Teacher and They Caught On Video are a few of the 19 sites you can check out.

    Girls Next Door Abused has some good things going for it, but updating is a problem. The dates make it seem like it's adding new scenes, but what it's really doing is rotating the content. The amounts are slightly higher now than on our previous visit, but they most likely takes down a chunk and then repost it. It's got a limited number of videos, so you'll probably only stick with the website for a short time.

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    Girls Next Door Abused Score & Stats

    Girls Next Door Abused Stats Scores
    • 48+ Movies (avg: 28 mins)
    • HD Porn
    • No Download Limits
    • No 4K Videos
    • No Streaming
    • No Photo Zip Sets
    • No High Res Photos

    Score Breakdown

    Image Quality9/15
    Content Amount6/15
    Download / Streaming3/5
    Bonus Material8/10
    Rabbit Score61%

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    Published: Feb 7, 2014