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Grandma Foooki Review

Grandma Foooki Porn Review




  • some Full HD videos
  • user comments & ratings
  • keyword tags

Don't Like:

  • no updates since 2015
  • no advanced search engine
  • mostly unrelated bonuses

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Grandma Foooki Porn

I'm not an old guy yet, but when I become one I hope to still be having as much sex as the women on Grandma Foooki. These ladies aren't letting old age slow them down one bit, as they're still sucking dick, fucking and taking part in threesomes . I guess that's one way to enjoy retirement.

The ladies on GrandmaFoooki often look old enough to be grannies, but not so elderly that they'll be kicking the bucket mid scene. They tend hook up with younger lovers, but sometimes an old man and a granny work together to take on a teen . It's quite common to see three or more performers going at it in a scene.

You get three resolutions for the downloads and there's also streaming in an embedded player. When it comes to the best of the viewing options for the various scenes, there's a Full HD option, but they don't always look as impressive on screen. The majority of the videos here are not HD quality. The 36 photo sets give you high-res photos in most cases, so they tend to look good and the sets are downloadable in Zip files.

The last new video was at the start of December 2015 and the most recent photo set at the end of the same month, so there's no telling when the site will update again (or if it ever will), so it's a good thing that several bonus sites are included with a membership. None are focused on grandmothers, but there are some MILFs on Cougar Foooki and some old men on Grandpa Foooki. The sites are part of the Foooki Network.

There are some things to like about this site and the network, but there are some issues. In particular, Grandma Foooki isn't that big and doesn't appear to be updating, so it really doesn't measure up well to many other sites in its niche. And the same is true for most of the network's other sites, if not all of them in fact. So it would take some serious growth before I'd feel comfortable recommending it.

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Grandma Foooki Score & Stats

Grandma Foooki Stats Scores
  • 48+ Movies (avg: 25 mins)
  • 36+ Pic Sets (130 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Grandma Foooki Video Quality






1440x10801500K; Streaming

Grandma Foooki Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Apr 30, 2017

Since our last review of the site:

  • A dozen videos and 16 sets of photos have been added to this collection. There have been no updates since the end of 2015, though, and that holds true for the entire network.