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Growl Boys Review

Growl Boys Porn Review




  • Full HD videos
  • Original and unique content
  • Excellent mobile navigation

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Growl Boys Porn

Guys Fuck Like Animals on Growl Boys

When I describe a site as unique, I don't necessarily mean that it has an original concept. It could be that it's taking an unusual approach to a common niche. But every once in a while, I come across a site like Growl Boys that takes uniqueness to a whole new level. Graphic novel elements are combined with prosthetic makeup to create bareback porn unlike any I've experienced before.

The stories combine several elements including comics by Andreas Deon, a well-known artist who's worked for both DC and Marvel Studios. They also have some fiction, and videos accompanied by photos. There are pull quotes as you scroll through each chapter, making it feel like a multimedia experience.

Growl Boys Members Area Preview

Growl Boys Porn Members Area

Learn More About the Site's Concept

Check out the About section for creative backstories. They claim to be inspired by the ancient text The Libro Mutationes (Book of Changes). Over the centuries it's teetered between sacred and sacrilegious as it tells the story of the Thebans, a race of gods who hunt for humans to breed with and then transform them into Prometheans, which are human-animal hybrids.

Put in layman's terms, the Thebans are the Tops in these tales and they're all handsome and fit daddies. They first appear normal but when aroused, they sprout horns and become Satyrs. The Prometheans (or "offspring") are their bottom boys, played by younger college-aged hunks. Each looks like a normal guy until he's bred by a Theban, becoming part animal, part human - a "growlboy" - when horny.

Download Gay Fetish Porn Scenes

These artists taught themselves how to use makeup and prosthetics, helping the guys transform into the kind of creatures I've only ever seen in gay toons. No furry suits or cheap animal masks here. Even if you're not impressed by the special effects (so well done they look like CGI), you'll get off on the palpable chemistry.

For example, Chapter 2 of "Lost Boys" has muscle daddy Bishop Angus (an exclusive model) having bareback sex with a tall drink of water named Tommy. In the first hookup, Tom shoots a massive load while Bishop's cock is deep in his ass , but he's left wanting more when Bishop doesn't cum inside him. The second time they screw, Bishop breeds Tommy and spreads his cummy butthole for the camera.

You have eight stories at the moment, each with 3-7 chapters. Among the multiple pages of comics and text, you'll find 41 videos to stream and download in Full HD along with 41 sets of high-res pics (no Zips). It's unclear how often they're updating. Only the stories have dates, not the chapters. We've been told that they update twice a month, but it doesn't seem like they always do since the count has only gone up by one video since our last update. 

A Limited Browsing Experience 

You have some browsing tools, including a button to bring up the download files and photos for the chapters. Another one marked "reader view" presents the chapter in a popup display that lets you scroll through it vertically, like on an e-reader. However, the overall experience is limited. No tags, categories, sorting options, comments, or favorites. In fact, the Forum & Comments has been "coming soon" since our first review over two years ago!

The interface is optimized for mobiles , at least. In fact, I would argue that it's actually easier to browse on mobile than desktop. All you have to do is swipe to see the different elements of each chapter (the photos, video, story, etc.) and it looks as if it was meant to be seen on mobile all along. 

Canceling a Growl Boys Membership

Have an issue with your membership or the site in general? Head to the support page and check out their FAQ to find answers. If you still need help, you can submit a ticket. You can also message them through a contact form. Looking to cancel your membership? You have a few options. You can do it through your biller, use the cancel form, or request it through the ticketing system. It doesn't say how long the process will take, though. You can also reach out to our team. 

Experience a Unique Gay Porn Site 

These days, pretty much everything that can be done in porn has been done, but this site has managed to go above and beyond to create something totally fresh. There are some issues with navigation and it's unclear how often they update, but they have clearly put a lot of thought into the stories they tell. I honestly think the site has the potential to redefine this niche completely, or even pave the way for its own niche altogether. And with our Growl Boys discount, you get to experience it for less.

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$142.00  180 Days

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Yes. Downloads are included at no extra cost.

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Growl Boys Score & Stats

Growl Boys Stats Scores
  • 41+ Movies (avg: 20 mins)
  • 41+ Pic Sets (45 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets

Score Breakdown

Image Quality15/15
Content Amount7/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material7/10
Rabbit Score77%

Understand the criteria

Growl Boys Video Quality




1920x10808000K; Streaming

Growl Boys Reviewed by: Christian Russo

Latest Review Update: Sep 21, 2021

Since our last review of the site:

  • The collection has grown by one video, with the "story" count remaining the same.