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Hardcore Foooki Review

Hardcore Foooki Porn Review




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Don't Like:

  • no longer updating
  • footage can be blurry
  • not a lot of content

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Hardcore Foooki Porn

Its name is enough to tell you that Hardcore Foooki is a hardcore site. Its moniker doesn't really tell you much else, though, so it would seem that it's up to me to give you to low-down on this website and its content. I'm happy to accept the responsibility, so let's get right to it.

When you sign in, you will probably find yourself on the homepage for the entire Foooki Network and so you will need to enter the video section and then select HardcoreFoooki from the dropdown menu to the left of the content thumbnails or you can simply click the sitename below any corresponding thumbnail. It probably sounds like a bit of work, so let me save you some time and tell you that you needn't bother doing the same in the photo section. There are any pics for this site.

And even the number of flicks will hardly blow your mind away, because you'll find a rather modest 37 videos and there hasn't been an update since November 2015. I should also warn you that the playback stats for the footage can be quite misleading, because scenes often look blurry even though some of them appear to be technically Full HD given their screen sizes and bit rates.

It's a real shame, because what unfolds in many of the vids is extremely hot. Despite the "Hardcore" in the sitename, though. the scenes actually feature masturbation , lesbian action, cunnilingus, blowjobs and men fucking women, of course. You can usually expect to see couples going at it, but you can occasionally see three or four performers getting kinky together.

It's great that squite a few bonus sites are included with a membership, like Jugg Foooki, Cougar Foooki, Grandpa Foooki and Outdoor Foooki. They all tend to be a little on the small side, though, and they're also not growing. And all the videos across this network tend to not look as good as you'd expect they would given their stats.

There's some very limited appeal to Hardcore Foooki, but there's far too little content to make getting a membership worthwhile and that's not likely to change now that updates have ended. Moreover, the videos could look a lot better than they do. There are just too many other sites in this highly competitive niche that are bigger and better, so don't bother with this one.

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Hardcore Foooki Score & Stats

Hardcore Foooki Stats Scores
  • 37+ Movies (avg: 25 mins)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Hardcore Foooki Video Quality




1280x7205000K; Streaming



Hardcore Foooki Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: May 8, 2017

Since our last review of the site:

  • Fifteen videos were added to this site's collection, but there hasn't been an update since November 2015.