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Hausfrau Ficken Review

Hausfrau Ficken Porn Review




  • Full HD videos
  • exclusive content
  • bonus sites

Don't Like:

  • no recent updates
  • no English subtitles
  • limited trial

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Hausfrau Ficken Categories & Tags

Hausfrau Ficken Porn

German  Housewives on Hausfrau Ficken 

I was pretty sure I knew what the sitename meant, but just to be sure, I headed to Google Translate, typed in Hausfrau Ficken and sure enough, it translated to Housewife Fuck. While you can easily change the language on the site to English, the scenes themselves don't have subtitles. It wasn't too hard to keep up with these simple scenarios, but it would've been nice if I knew what they were saying.

Mature Porn Videos in 1080p

I was happy to see that they added back the dates, but it's showing me that the last update was in December so it's possible this is as big as the collection is going to get. On the bright side, you can stream and download all 28 videos in Full HD, and the high-res pics are in Zips. Rabbit's users are now exempt from the site's download limit of 100 movies per month, so you can disregard the countdown timer that shows up when you go to save a file.

Functional & Mobile User Interface

The site is mobile responsive and has sorting options, tags, a category filter and a basic search. You can rate the scenes, leave comments and save your favorites or make a custom playlist. If you want to see more from a specific performer, the model tags take you to their profiles where you'll find stats, a bio and a Subscribe option so that you'll be alerted when a scene of theirs becomes available. The model index has sorting options too, but remember that it's for the entire network of sites, not just Hausfrau Fricken's cast.

Explore Euro Bonus Sites

The browsing tools will come in handy when checking out the rest of the Amateur Euro network. You've got similar German scenes on Reife Swinger and XXX Omas, but they too lack subtitles. But some sites, like La Cochonne (which is French ), have subtitles for the newer scenes. All told, you'll have 580+ more movies to check out, so that helps make up for the lack of main content.

How to Cancel Hausfrau Fricken

They give you two ways to contact them - a basic support form and an email address - and both can be used to cancel your subscription or to inquire about other billing or tech problems. Their response time is 24-48 hours and if you're concerned that you're issues aren't being addressed, our Rabbit's team can also assist you. And thanks to the Money Back Guarantee covering your membership, we'll get you a refund if the site doesn't live up to your expectations.

A Small Collection of German Porn

This collection has fewer than 30 scenes and they're not updating. Still, even though there are bigger collections of mature porn, few focus solely on German housewives. So if women from Germany turn you on and you like the idea of bonus scenes with more European performers, membership is worth considering. Our HausfrauFricken discount means you can join at 20% off!

Hausfrau Ficken Alternatives

Hausfrau Ficken Features

Hausfrau Ficken Includes 9 Reviewed Bonus Porn Sites

Hausfrau Ficken Bonus Porn Sites

Money Back Guarantee

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* Does not apply to accepted cross sales.

Hausfrau Ficken Score & Stats

Hausfrau Ficken Stats Scores
  • 28+ Movies (avg: 20 mins)
  • 28+ Pic Sets (10 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Hausfrau Ficken Video Quality


1920x108012000K; Streaming



Hausfrau Ficken Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: May 7, 2020

Since our last review of the site:

  • The last update was in December 2019.
  • Rabbit's users now get access to unlimited downloads.