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Hijab Radicals Review

Hijab Radicals Porn Review




  • Full HD videos
  • exclusive content
  • easy to navigate

Don't Like:

  • no bonuses
  • no user features
  • unclear update schedule


30 Days

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Hijab Radicals Porn

Remember the good old days when porn was controversial merely because it showed too much skin and glamorized the "carnal sin" of unmarried men and women making love? Well, now you come across the same sort of thing in mainstream movies and television, so pornography has to push the envelope a lot more if it wants to gain notoriety from generating controversy. Which is how you end up with decidedly un-PC sites like Hijab Radicals.

HijabRadicals has some rather lengthy write-ups describing not only tales of rebellion of good Muslim girls against their communities, but also stories involving German women converting after being seduced by Muslim men. However, in the end, you realize that you're really just seeing babes masturbate and as great as that always is - and it always is great - it's also not particularly radical.

Once you remove the hijabs, which are worn rather haphazardly with hair often showing in front, and the colorfully written descriptions, you realize that they aren't thinking that much outside of the proverbial box with this one. And if you were hoping to see exotic Muslim beauties getting off, only some of the women appear to come from Muslim countries originally. One babe is from Pakistan, while another is of Palestinian birth, but her family moved to Germany in her youth.

On the bright side, you will find that the 15 videos can be streamed and downloaded in Full HD across the board. Each video only comes in a single MP4, so there aren't any secondary formats offered. I should also mention that you will have to wait for the streaming versions to load before you can jump ahead in the footage. The gallery for each scene appears to contain very large, crisp vid caps and you can download them in Zip files.

Clearly the biggest issue with this site is that it isn't very big. Adding to that problem is that there is no indication of how often this collection is growing. I should also mention that the interface has no built-in features to enhance your browsing experience, or even any bonuses, although that's a minor thing when there's so little to see. This is not a very prolific niche at the moment, so if you like the idea of watching women masturbate while wearing hijabs, you might like the videos, but just know that there aren't that many of them.

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Hijab Radicals Score & Stats

Hijab Radicals Stats Scores
  • 15+ Movies (avg: 5 mins)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality11/15
Content Amount3/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit Score54%

Understand the criteria

Hijab Radicals Video Quality




1920x10802928K; Streaming

Published: Mar 1, 2017