Homemade Twinks Review

Homemade Twinks Porn Review




  • 1080p HD videos
  • two bonus twink sites
  • user comments & ratings

Don't Like:

  • inconsistent updates
  • small amount of content
  • pre-checked cross sale

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Homemade Twinks Porn

If you take a hefty cup of sugar, mix in some vanilla sex and then cream it with a big wad of boy butter, what do you get? Well, I'd like to think that you get a nice fresh batch of deliciously sweet Homemade Twinks with piping-hot buns dripping in cream. Of course, I did skip lunch, which is probably why the food metaphor is springing to mind.

Regardless of whether it's my hunger or my horniness that's driving me to review HomemadeTwinks, we all know that it comes down to facts. Well, I can definitely say that they deliver amateur twinks whose faces I don't recognize. However, even though the talent might not be experienced, I don't think the content is truly homemade.

Homemade Twinks Members Area Preview

Homemade Twinks Porn Members Area

Instead, they've sort of replicated the fun of homespun smut by having at least some of the action shot POV . I have no doubt the twink performers holding the cameras aren't professionals, because you end up with some rather shaky handheld footage and issues with focus. However, you also have clearer shots taken from a third party.

I like the mix of camerawork, because although POV action allows me to imagine that I'm young again and fucking my first boyfriend, the shakiness can give me vertigo. You also want to get a good view of both hard-bodied boys doing it and the penetration captured from some especially hot angles, like from below, so you can witness those balls bouncing off a pounded ass .

What's less appealing is the fact that there are a relatively modest 33 videos and they only seem to be adding new ones maybe once a month at most. It's actually been more than a month since the last update. At least you can count on Full HD videos, whether you stream or download the best of the MP4s for each.

The site has a new look and I mention it because you're presented with the content from across the network when you first sign in, but you have some filtering options. You can easily filter the site's videos, but not the 19 sets of high-res pics. Instead, you can only filter for Boy Crush. Anyway, the pics, or in some cases vid caps, are listed to the right of the video player. You can download them in Zip files.

One thing I almost forgot to mention is that all the penetration is bareback, including in a trio of threesome scenes. And if you want even more barebacking action, you need look no further than the third network site on offer - after all it's called Bare Twinks. It's also worth mentioning that it provides a much larger collection.

In the end, if all three sites entice you, you might think the network merits a recommendation. However, Homemade Twinks, on its own, still seems too small to recommend at the moment. Give it some time and it should eventually grow to a more appealing size, although it might be a slightly slow process.

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Cross Sales

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Homemade Twinks Score & Stats

Homemade Twinks Stats Scores
  • 33+ Movies (avg: 22 mins)
  • 19+ Pic Sets (20 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • No 4K Videos
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality14/15
Content Amount7/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material2/10
Rabbit Score72%

Understand the criteria

Homemade Twinks Video Quality


1920x10807743K; Streaming



Homemade Twinks Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Sep 26, 2017

Since our last review of the site:

  • They added eight videos and three photo galleries, but it's been more than a month since the last update.
  • The site was redesigned and while the videos are easy to filter from the rest of the network, you have to go scene by scene to discover whether they come with any photos.