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Horror Porn Review

Horror Porn Porn Review




  • Ultra HD videos
  • exclusive content
  • unique concept & visuals

Don't Like:

  • no update log or dated content
  • few browsing tools
  • no bonus sites

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Horror Porn Porn

Horror movies are well known for titillating as well as terrifying us. I mean, how many times do we see the hot cheerleader (or whatever sexy female cliche they use) tear her clothes while trying to escape some nasty beast, exposing her bra and panties or even her bare breasts and pussy? So you'd think Horror Porn would be a natural progression from mainstream to adult.

However, they've progressed in perhaps a less obvious way with HorrorPorn, because here you're not seeing pretty young girls running away from monsters who expose their tits and other body parts. Instead, it's messed-up babes , like a ghost girl from the bottom of a well or a demonic girl with a zippered face, who give head and get fucked in this frightful footage.

I don't think there will be any confusion that what you're seeing isn't 100% real, but they do run a very detailed disclaimer before each scene to drive home the point that it's all just fantasy with willing actors who aren't harmed in any way. I will say that they've done an excellent job when it comes to the makeup and special effects.

Nothing is dated, but given the high production values, I don't think they're churning them out very quickly. Furthermore, judging by how much the collection has grown since we last visited just over a year ago, they're not updating very frequently. But at least you've got a more solid number to start with, with 39 videos to check out.

Moreover, they come in some impressive formats. You can stream and download in HD, Full HD and Ultra HD in addition to an SD option. Some things are missing though because you won't find any photo sets or even vid caps. There are merely some static screenshots that can't be enlarged. On top of that, the interface is very bare bones with just a basic search and tags - though it is at least mobile responsive.

I think it's clear that a lot of effort and expense goes into shooting these scenes, so that might help explain why the membership is so pricey. Even so, it's got a ways to go regarding its size. Still, Horror Porn has such unique porn that I'm sure fans won't mind paying a premium price for it.

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User Comments

By Wraith0711 on Jul 7, 2019

Make-up, Wardrobe, and sets are all movie grade. Videos are top notch and are extremely well shot. The only downside is for so few videos (around 40) the site is ridiculously overpriced at $39.95 a month with zero extras.


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Horror Porn Score & Stats

Horror Porn Stats Scores
  • 39+ Movies (avg: 15 mins)
  • HD Porn
  • 4K Videos
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Horror Porn Video Quality




3840x216012000K; Streaming

Horror Porn Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Oct 11, 2018

Since our last review of the site:

  • Two dozen scenes have been added, but nothing is dated.