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Horsey Girls Review

Horsey Girls Porn Review




  • HD streams and downloads
  • exclusive content
  • bonus site

Don't Like:

  • poor organization
  • unclear update schedule
  • zip files are blank


30 Days

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Horsey Girls Porn

There's an idiom "quit horsing around," which means to stop goofing off when you're supposed to be doing something serious. This doesn't quite apply to the horny girls on Horsey Girls who embody it quite perfectly as they use horse-sized dildos to fuck themselves. I'm not sure how I feel about the reference to horses here, but since it's meant to describe chicks using extra-large dildos to make themselves cum, I'll let it slide. 

I'll start off by explaining that your membership to HorseyGirls comes with access to Hijab Radicals and as soon as you log in you're hit with a bunch of movies from that site. There's no link to visit the site directly. You have to scroll all the way to the bottom to the find the 8 movies and photo sets. I was not impressed. 

The site definitely needs work. First of all, why is the bonus content being presented first? There isn't even a menu bar with links to separate sections - it's actually blank. There's literally nothing, no tags, no sorting options, no favorites no comments and no ratings. And even though there are photos, the Zip files are empty when you download them. 

You can stream and download the movies in HD MP4 files and they look nice. The thumbnails are large and below them it says that descriptions are coming soon, so I'll tell you what each entails. The same horse dildo is used in every scene. It starts with a girl having her face caressed by a male hand holding the dildo. They suck the toy a little before putting it in their pussy and eventually having an orgasm. Sometimes they talk to the camera. 

There's a Zip download for the galleries, but the files are empty. I saved the pics individually and they aren't high-res. The content isn't dated and I have no idea how often they're updating. As for the bonus content, it contains videos of women masturbating while wearing traditional hijabs.

I have to say that there were way too many issues with the site and I cannot recommend it at this time. If you're a diehard fan of chicks masturbating with giant dildos, your money can be better spent elsewhere. With poor organization, an unclear update schedule and links that don't work, Horsey Girls is just not worth joining right now.

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$24.95  30 Days

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Horsey Girls Score & Stats

Horsey Girls Stats Scores
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • 8+ Movies (avg: 17 mins)
  • 8+ Pic Sets (75 pics-per-set)
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality14/15
Content Amount4/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material1/10
Rabbit Score61%

Understand the criteria

Horsey Girls Video Quality


1280x7206473K; Streaming



Published: Sep 28, 2017