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Mondo Labia Review

Mondo Labia Porn Review




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  • some nonexclusive content
  • no bonus sites
  • infrequent updates


30 Days

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Mondo Labia Porn

"I like big labia and I can not lie. You other brothers can't deny. When a girl spreads her legs to give you a taste and you get two big meat curtains in your face, you get sprung! You wanna eat that muff. Cuz you notice those lips were stuffed. Deep in those panties she's wearing. I'm hooked and I can't stop staring. Oh, babe I wanna get lickin' ya. And take your picture. My homeboys tried to warn me. But that Mondo Labia you got, make me so horny."

This is Sir Mix-A-K coming at you with the first verse from my new track "Babe Got MondoLabia." While you can't get the track anywhere yet, you can see some big-lip babes with a membership to this "mondo" site. But is it worth it?

Well, looking at just the numbers, you will find 73 sets of pictures and 539 videos. Now as far as what you will find in the content, well, that depends. While the women did tend to have generally nice and good-sized pussy lips, they weren't always the focus of the scene.

And then I discovered that only 50% of the content is exclusive, which makes a lot of sense. The scenes done exclusively for the site are very big-labia-centric, with the girls showing them off and often talking about them with the cameraman or woman. The nonexclusive scenes are solo or hardcore ones that just so happen to feature larger-than-average-labia babes.

The videos can be streamed in an embedded player and they look great when you have the HD option turned on. They can also be downloaded in an HD MP4 format. As for the photos, they're high-res and look quite good. You get lots of nice shots of the girls, both in and out of their clothes, but you can't download them in Zip files.

The website continues to grow and has given us two new movies in the last 30 days. You don't get any bonus content, so it would be nice if updates came a little more often. Still, there's more than enough existing content to get you started and a lot of it's really quite hot. If you love big pussy lips, you shouldn't have any trouble enjoying Mondo Labia. However, the site would be a lot better if all the content stayed focused on its theme.

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Mondo Labia Score & Stats

Mondo Labia Stats Scores
  • 539+ Movies (avg: 15 mins)
  • 73+ Pic Sets (175 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets

Score Breakdown

Image Quality11/15
Content Amount12/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material10/10
Rabbit Score73%

Understand the criteria

Mondo Labia Video Quality




1280x7203400K; Streaming

Published: Jul 31, 2014