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    My First Public Review

    My First Public Porn Review




    • Full HD videos
    • easy to navigate
    • content tags

    Don't Like:

    • possibly rotating content
    • only vid caps
    • daily download limit

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    I remember the first time I had to give a speech in front of a crowd of strangers and someone told me to imagine everyone naked. That memory seems apropos as I begin my review of My First Public, though it's more about pubic peeking than public speaking. Moreover, you won't need to overtax your imagination as far as everyone being nude, because a lot of flesh is exposed.

    Yes, though they seem to think that what's missing from the sitename MyFirstPublic goes without saying, I don't think everyone would necessarily get that this site is dedicated to hot babes having sex in the great outdoors for the first time. And "public" is misleading anyway, because they may do it outside, but the hardcore tends to occur in fairly secluded areas far from the public's prying eyes.

    My First Public Members Area Preview

    My First Public Porn Members Area

    Still, if you've ever had a sexual encounter out and about in nature, it is indeed quite liberating even without the threat of discovery. You'll often feel a shiver down your naked spine as a cool breeze wafts across your nether regions, while conversely you may be perspiring quite heavily as the sun beats down as you slip and slide in flagrant with your lover. It feels so wild and animalistic.

    Of course, I imagine that for the performers in these 69 videos, the practical reality might not be quite as sexy as I've just described, but you can still enjoy them in Full HD footage. Porn shoots already involve a lot starting and stopping usually. Speaking of stopping, I was surprised to find that the video count decreased this visit. It's possible they removed content or are rotating, but I can't know for sure. I do know that there's a daily download limit of 10 videos per day that might also put a damper on things. 

    This site has some surprisingly crisp vid caps, but they're not where you'd expect them to be. If you click the thumbnail for a scene, a popup window displays a vid cap. Hover on either side of the image and an arrow will appear. You can then move through all the vid caps, not just those for the specific scene you were initially watching.

    The content is supposed to be exclusive. I say "supposed to be" because some of these outdoor videos have a "guest scene" label. I guess they're still exclusive, just not in-house productions. I should also mention that some of the dialogue is in Czech without English subtitles. Your membership doesn't include access to the rest of the network - that "our sites" link just takes you to tour pages.

    I always like when it comes time to recommend a site and I don't feel ambivalent. I suppose this collection could be bigger and it's possible they're rotating the videos, but that's doesn't create ambivalence really. In the end, I find it easy enough to recommend this collection - you can call it My First Public endorsement.

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    My First Public Score & Stats

    My First Public Stats Scores
    • 69+ Movies (avg: 20 mins)
    • HD Porn
    • Streaming
    • No 4K Videos
    • DL Limit: Daily (10 videos)
    • No Photo Zip Sets
    • No High Res Photos

    Score Breakdown

    Image Quality15/15
    Content Amount7/15
    Download / Streaming5/5
    Bonus MaterialN/A
    Rabbit Score64%

    Understand the criteria

    My First Public Video Quality




    1920x10808000K; Streaming

    My First Public Reviewed by: Satine Von Stratten

    Latest Review Update: Oct 14, 2016

    Since our last review of the site:

    • The site is possibly rotating content as the video count has decreased.
    • There's a daily download limit of 10 videos per day.