My Jerk Off Girls Review

My Jerk Off Girls Porn Review




  • many videos are in HD or Full HD
  • bonus fetish sites
  • user ratings & comments

Don't Like:

  • no recent updates
  • some nonexclusive content
  • no advanced search engine


30 Days

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I masturbate while watching porn as much as the next person. However, I'll admit that it can get lonely all by myself. If you're of a like mind, I think you'll get a kick out of My Jerk Off Girls, which couldn't be more appropriately named. The goal of the site is either for you to jerk off while watching the babes , or for you to imagine them doing it to you. You'll basically see one of three themes, all of which are POV .

In some of the films, a hottie gives "you" a handjob while talking dirty. In others, she strips and/or plays with herself while encouraging you to jerk off. The third type of scene has a babe talking down to you for masturbating and only showing off her tits and ass (if she even does), because she wants you to hurry up and finish.

My Jerk Off Girls Members Area Preview

My Jerk Off Girls Porn Members Area

Some of the the girls wear costumes, like a nun's habit or a cheerleader's uniform. Most star only one babe, but it's not uncommon to see a pair of teasing vixens. Some will demonstrate on a dildo how they want you to stroke yourself or how they wish they could be wrapping their hands around your cock. There's no sex.

There are 130 videos on JerkOffGirls, but there hasn't been an update in more than six months. The vids can be streamed in an embedded player and downloaded in a few MP4 formats. You're supposed to be able to save a 3GP as well, but it never works. Most have HD or Full HD stats, but they can lack sharpness, while you'll also find others in SD formats that are noticeably less impressive. Each comes with a set of vid caps.

When you sign in, you're taken to the My Jerk Off Girls Network and you're actually viewing content from several sites. To find the porn from this site, use the "sites" tab. The other 11 include My Cum Eating Instructions, My Handjob Girls and My Panty Girls. There's also a section where you can stream DVDs, but they have more mainstream themes for the most part. I also need to point out that there are lots live cam ads among the thumbnails, which can get a bit confusing.

Some of the content isn't exclusive, but it's taken from other sites from the same producers, so it's not like you'll see it all over the Internet. In the end, I think people who like playing with themselves will find that My Jerk Off Girls makes for a unique porn experience. Be sure to check it out.

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User Comments

By Sephiroth on Feb 10, 2016

Don't waste your time with this site nor any of the others they offer there is no new updates just scenes taken from movies or their own movies relabeled and re uploaded over and over making it look as it there is updates or simply adding a new water mark such as instead of or Here are a few of the movies the scenes are from, Hand to Hand Combat by Combatzone, Destination tonsils. there are so many other good sites don't fall for their trap as i did i joined their site less then a month ago and can still confirm this.


My Jerk Off Girls Includes 12 Reviewed Bonus Porn Sites

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My Jerk Off Girls Score & Stats

My Jerk Off Girls Stats Scores
  • 130+ Movies (avg: 6 mins)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality11/15
Content Amount8/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material6/10
Rabbit Score64%

Understand the criteria

My Jerk Off Girls Video Quality




1280x7203702K; Streaming



My Jerk Off Girls Reviewed by: Will Peters

Latest Review Update: Sep 1, 2017

Since our last review of the site:

  • Seventeen videos were added, but there hasn't been an update in more than six months.