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    My Legs Paradise Review

    My Legs Paradise Porn Review




    • Full HD videos
    • exclusive content
    • mobile-friendly interface

    Don't Like:

    • no updates in months
    • no advanced search
    • can't save your favorites


    30 Days

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    My Legs Paradise Porn

    The legs and feet of a lady don't always get the attention they deserve on porn sites, but at My Legs Paradise, they're the focus of each scene. There's a variety of scenarios, but always with a girl's legs and/or feet at the forefront of the director's mind.

    Let me give you a rundown of the first few videos I checked out. One features a girl wearing pantyhose who uses Benoit balls in her pussy before giving a guy a nice footjob using both feet to work his cock. Then there was an erotic softcore scene where a beauty posed and played to the camera while showing off and caressing her legs and feet. And next, I watched a chick masturbate while wearing high heels.

    There are 62 videos and 60 photo sets right now and while most of the scenes are sexy solo softcore ones focused on the girls' legs and feet, there are – as you just read – a few that take things to a naughtier level.

    Each scene has tags, there's a basic search and you can rate them and sort the collection. You can also leave comments. There are no categories nor is there an advanced search though. You can also change the color scheme from light to dark. However, looking at the dates, there hasn't been an update in nine months, which is the biggest disappointment of all. But, on a happier note, is the fact that all of the videos are in Full HD to stream and download.

    A few last things to point out would be that, yes, there is a model index, but it provides no info besides linking to her videos and photo sets. Also, I saw references to a community and in my profile area, there is a "friends" indicator. However, I have no idea where this community is or how to find and/or add friends. Finding the eight bonus sites is easy though and they include MyBoobsParadise, Dora Dolce and BehindSceneXXX, to name a few.

    As a legs site, My Legs Paradise isn't bad. These Euro babes have sexy legs and the scenes do focus on them and their feet. And the exclusive collection is presented in Full HD, which is nice. The site isn't growing these days, but there is enough to make it worth considering as it stands.

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    My Legs Paradise Score & Stats

    My Legs Paradise Stats Scores
    • 62+ Movies (avg: 10 mins)
    • 60+ Pic Sets (25 pics-per-set)
    • HD Porn
    • Streaming
    • Photo Zip Sets
    • High Res Photos
    • No 4K Videos
    • DL Limit: Daily (10 videos)

    Score Breakdown

    Image Quality15/15
    Content Amount8/15
    Download / Streaming5/5
    Bonus Material5/10
    Rabbit Score72%

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    My Legs Paradise Video Quality




    1920x108012000K; Streaming

    Published: Nov 10, 2018