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Operacion Limpieza Review

Operacion Limpieza Porn Review




  • Full HD videos
  • exclusive content
  • bonus sites

Don't Like:

  • no recent updates
  • not all scenes have English subtitles
  • limited trial

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Operacion Limpieza Porn

I think I should hire a cleaning lady. It's not that my home is messy or anything, it's that I just spent some time on Operacion Limpieza and they've made the idea of having one very appealing. After all, the scenes feature maids who just happen to be lovely Latinas who are down for a hardcore romp.

OperacionLimpieza offers 25 scenes. Obviously, that isn't a lot of content. I wish I could tell you that there's more on the way, but there hasn't been a video or gallery update in over a year and there are actually five fewer scenes since our last visit and nothing is dated.

Operacion Limpieza Members Area Preview

Operacion Limpieza Porn Members Area

The movies are very similar. Each lets us watch a Latina clean for a bit before she gets put to work sucking her employer's cock and fucking him. Most of the scenes star couples, but there's one that has the girl taking on two guys. In some, there's a bit of opening dialogue in Spanish and though a couple of the newest have English subtitles, the older ones don't. Regardless, you should still get the gist of what's happening (i.e., sex with condoms).

You can stream and download the videos in Full HD. The action is repeated in the photo sets, with the girls posing in various states of undress, and the images are large and worth saving in the Zip files. For usability, you can rate the scenes, post comments, use tags, save your favorites and you also get some sorting options and a basic search, all on a mobile -friendly interface. 

Members now get access to the Mamacitaz network, which includes Chicas Loca, Her Big Ass and three others. It's not as much as you used to get, though. The site was once part of the LetsDoeIt network, but they recently took all their sites and turned them into more niche-oriented networks.

In the end, Operacion Limpieza has reality porn involving sex with maids, but there's not much of it and they're no longer updating. All the videos are high in quality and the action is good, but you're probably not going to stick around for too long unless you can appreciate the other Latina bonus sites.

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Operacion Limpieza Score & Stats

Operacion Limpieza Stats Scores
  • 25+ Movies (avg: 45 mins)
  • 25+ Pic Sets (300 pics-per-set)
  • HD Porn
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image Quality14/15
Content Amount6/15
Download / Streaming5/5
Bonus Material5/10
Rabbit Score70%

Understand the criteria

Operacion Limpieza Video Quality




1920x10806129K; Streaming

Operacion Limpieza Reviewed by: Xander Gordon

Latest Review Update: Jul 16, 2019

Since our last review of the site:

  • There's no new content and in fact, five videos were removed.
  • The site is part of a new network so you get fewer bonus sites.