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Pain Vixens Review

Pain Vixens Porn Review




  • exclusive content
  • good-quality videos
  • bonus sites

Don't Like:

  • no longer updating
  • only vid caps
  • no advanced search

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Pain Vixens Porn

My parents raised me to play nice with my friends, but it doesn't look like everyone was brought up the same way. I say this because the guys and gals on Pain Vixens don't play nice at all. The site's all about extreme bondage, rough oral action, nipple torture, hard fucking and other kinky acts.

This site is a part of the Fetish Network and its homepage is where you arrive when you first sign in. There are a few ways to find the content you want, like clicking into the appropriate category, but the simplest way is through the "our sites" link and then choose the appropriate site from a list. There are some fantastic ones, but let's deal with PainVixens first.

There are 90 videos and they're exclusively licensed to the site. Each good-quality movie can be streamed in an embedded player and downloaded in a couple of MP4 formats. They all come with vid caps that give you an idea of what to expect, but there aren't any actual photos.

One of the videos starts with a chick cleaning a hotel room and finding a bunch of objects that soon get used on her. Before you know it and without any real explanation being given, the babe is getting flogged, having metal clothespins attached to her nipples, getting her tits slapped and being made to lactate. It goes even further with her gagging on a set of anal beads, swallowing what she starts to cough up and then she relieves herself in a cup and drinks some of her own piss.

I'm sure with that description you can get an idea of what kind of wild and kinky ride you're in for. Not all the scenes have watersports, but you'll definitely have to like a little pain creatively mixed in with your sexual pleasure to fully appreciate this site. There's also a video where a babe gets her nips and the flesh of her boobs pierced with small needles. It was intense!

The dates on the material indicate that nothing has been added since January 2012, but at least you have more than 40 bonus sites to keep busy with, including Bound 4 You, Elite Spanking, Kinky Carmen and Pure Smoking. Some are still updating, but others have stopped.

Pain Vixens has some great content and enough of it to make a membership worthwhile. It sucks that the website stopped updating, but the bonus material will keep you entertained once you get through the main vids.

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Pain Vixens Score & Stats

Pain Vixens Stats Scores
  • 90+ Movies (avg: 60 mins)
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos
  • No Photo Zip Sets
  • No High Res Photos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

Pain Vixens Video Quality




600x4001600K; Streaming

Published: Aug 17, 2014